*For an overview of how to __use__ php-resque, see `README.md`.* The following is a step-by-step breakdown of how php-resque operates. ## Enqueue Job ## What happens when you call `Resque::enqueue()`? 1. `Resque::enqueue()` calls `Resque_Job::create()` with the same arguments it received. 2. `Resque_Job::create()` checks that your `$args` (the third argument) are either `null` or in an array 3. `Resque_Job::create()` generates a job ID (a "token" in most of the docs) 4. `Resque_Job::create()` pushes the job to the requested queue (first argument) 5. `Resque_Job::create()`, if status monitoring is enabled for the job (fourth argument), calls `\Resque\Job\Status::create()` with the job ID as its only argument 6. `\Resque\Job\Status::create()` creates a key in Redis with the job ID in its name, and the current status (as well as a couple of timestamps) as its value, then returns control to `Resque_Job::create()` 7. `Resque_Job::create()` returns control to `Resque::enqueue()`, with the job ID as a return value 8. `Resque::enqueue()` triggers the `afterEnqueue` event, then returns control to your application, again with the job ID as its return value ## Workers At Work ## How do the workers process the queues? 1. `Resque_Worker::work()`, the main loop of the worker process, calls `Resque_Worker->reserve()` to check for a job 2. `Resque_Worker->reserve()` checks whether to use blocking pops or not (from `BLOCKING`), then acts accordingly: * Blocking Pop 1. `Resque_Worker->reserve()` calls `Resque_Job::reserveBlocking()` with the entire queue list and the timeout (from `INTERVAL`) as arguments 2. `Resque_Job::reserveBlocking()` calls `Resque::blpop()` (which in turn calls Redis' `blpop`, after prepping the queue list for the call, then processes the response for consistency with other aspects of the library, before finally returning control [and the queue/content of the retrieved job, if any] to `Resque_Job::reserveBlocking()`) 3. `Resque_Job::reserveBlocking()` checks whether the job content is an array (it should contain the job's type [class], payload [args], and ID), and aborts processing if not 4. `Resque_Job::reserveBlocking()` creates a new `Resque_Job` object with the queue and content as constructor arguments to initialize the job itself, and returns it, along with control of the process, to `Resque_Worker->reserve()` * Queue Polling 1. `Resque_Worker->reserve()` iterates through the queue list, calling `Resque_Job::reserve()` with the current queue's name as the sole argument on each pass 2. `Resque_Job::reserve()` passes the queue name on to `Resque::pop()`, which in turn calls Redis' `lpop` with the same argument, then returns control (and the job content, if any) to `Resque_Job::reserve()` 3. `Resque_Job::reserve()` checks whether the job content is an array (as before, it should contain the job's type [class], payload [args], and ID), and aborts processing if not 4. `Resque_Job::reserve()` creates a new `Resque_Job` object in the same manner as above, and also returns this object (along with control of the process) to `Resque_Worker->reserve()` 3. In either case, `Resque_Worker->reserve()` returns the new `Resque_Job` object, along with control, up to `Resque_Worker::work()`; if no job is found, it simply returns `FALSE` * No Jobs 1. If blocking mode is not enabled, `Resque_Worker::work()` sleeps for `INTERVAL` seconds; it calls `usleep()` for this, so fractional seconds *are* supported * Job Reserved 1. `Resque_Worker::work()` triggers a `beforeFork` event 2. `Resque_Worker::work()` calls `Resque_Worker->workingOn()` with the new `Resque_Job` object as its argument 3. `Resque_Worker->workingOn()` does some reference assignments to help keep track of the worker/job relationship, then updates the job status from `WAITING` to `RUNNING` 4. `Resque_Worker->workingOn()` stores the new `Resque_Job` object's payload in a Redis key associated to the worker itself (this is to prevent the job from being lost indefinitely, but does rely on that PID never being allocated on that host to a different worker process), then returns control to `Resque_Worker::work()` 5. `Resque_Worker::work()` forks a child process to run the actual `perform()` 6. The next steps differ between the worker and the child, now running in separate processes: * Worker 1. The worker waits for the job process to complete 2. If the exit status is not 0, the worker calls `Resque_Job->fail()` with a `Resque\Job\DirtyExitException` as its only argument. 3. `Resque_Job->fail()` triggers an `onFailure` event 4. `Resque_Job->fail()` updates the job status from `RUNNING` to `FAILED` 5. `Resque_Job->fail()` calls `Resque_Failure::create()` with the job payload, the `Resque\Job\DirtyExitException`, the internal ID of the worker, and the queue name as arguments 6. `Resque_Failure::create()` creates a new object of whatever type has been set as the `Resque_Failure` "backend" handler; by default, this is a `ResqueFailureRedis` object, whose constructor simply collects the data passed into `Resque_Failure::create()` and pushes it into Redis in the `failed` queue 7. `Resque_Job->fail()` increments two failure counters in Redis: one for a total count, and one for the worker 8. `Resque_Job->fail()` returns control to the worker (still in `Resque_Worker::work()`) without a value * Job 1. The job calls `Resque_Worker->perform()` with the `Resque_Job` as its only argument. 2. `Resque_Worker->perform()` sets up a `try...catch` block so it can properly handle exceptions by marking jobs as failed (by calling `Resque_Job->fail()`, as above) 3. Inside the `try...catch`, `Resque_Worker->perform()` triggers an `afterFork` event 4. Still inside the `try...catch`, `Resque_Worker->perform()` calls `Resque_Job->perform()` with no arguments 5. `Resque_Job->perform()` calls `Resque_Job->getInstance()` with no arguments 6. If `Resque_Job->getInstance()` has already been called, it returns the existing instance; otherwise: 7. `Resque_Job->getInstance()` checks that the job's class (type) exists and has a `perform()` method; if not, in either case, it throws an exception which will be caught by `Resque_Worker->perform()` 8. `Resque_Job->getInstance()` creates an instance of the job's class, and initializes it with a reference to the `Resque_Job` itself, the job's arguments (which it gets by calling `Resque_Job->getArguments()`, which in turn simply returns the value of `args[0]`, or an empty array if no arguments were passed), and the queue name 9. `Resque_Job->getInstance()` returns control, along with the job class instance, to `Resque_Job->perform()` 10. `Resque_Job->perform()` sets up its own `try...catch` block to handle `Resque_Job_DontPerform` exceptions; any other exceptions are passed up to `Resque_Worker->perform()` 11. `Resque_Job->perform()` triggers a `beforePerform` event 12. `Resque_Job->perform()` calls `setUp()` on the instance, if it exists 13. `Resque_Job->perform()` calls `perform()` on the instance 14. `Resque_Job->perform()` calls `tearDown()` on the instance, if it exists 15. `Resque_Job->perform()` triggers an `afterPerform` event 16. The `try...catch` block ends, suppressing `Resque_Job_DontPerform` exceptions by returning control, and the value `FALSE`, to `Resque_Worker->perform()`; any other situation returns the value `TRUE` along with control, instead 17. The `try...catch` block in `Resque_Worker->perform()` ends 18. `Resque_Worker->perform()` updates the job status from `RUNNING` to `COMPLETE`, then returns control, with no value, to the worker (again still in `Resque_Worker::work()`) 19. `Resque_Worker::work()` calls `exit(0)` to terminate the job process cleanly * SPECIAL CASE: Non-forking OS (Windows) 1. Same as the job above, except it doesn't call `exit(0)` when done 7. `Resque_Worker::work()` calls `Resque_Worker->doneWorking()` with no arguments 8. `Resque_Worker->doneWorking()` increments two processed counters in Redis: one for a total count, and one for the worker 9. `Resque_Worker->doneWorking()` deletes the Redis key set in `Resque_Worker->workingOn()`, then returns control, with no value, to `Resque_Worker::work()` 4. `Resque_Worker::work()` returns control to the beginning of the main loop, where it will wait for the next job to become available, and start this process all over again