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## 1.2 (Unreleased) ##
* Allow alternate redis database to be selected when calling setBackend by supplying a second argument (patrickbajao)
* Use `require_once` when including php-resque after the app has been included in the sample resque.php to prevent include conflicts (andrewjshults)
2011-09-24 05:42:28 +00:00
* Wrap job arguments in an array to improve compatibility with ruby resque (warezthebeef)
* Fix a bug where the worker would spin out of control taking the server with it, if the redis connection was interrupted even briefly. Use SIGPIPE to trap this scenario cleanly. (d11wtq)
2012-03-05 08:35:56 +00:00
* Added support of Redis prefix (namespaces) (hlegius)
* When reserving jobs, check if the payload received from popping a queue is a valid object (fix bug whereby jobs are reserved based on an erroneous payload) (salimane)
* Re-enable autoload for class_exists in Job.php (humancopy)
* Fix lost jobs when there is more than one worker process started by the same parent process (salimane)
* Move include for resque before APP_INCLUDE is loaded in, so that way resque is available for the app
* Avoid working with dirty worker IDs (salimane)
2011-03-27 08:19:30 +00:00
## 1.1 (2011-03-27) ##
* Update Redisent library for Redis 2.2 compatibility. Redis 2.2 is now required. (thedotedge)
* Trim output of `ps` to remove any prepended whitespace (KevBurnsJr)
* Use `getenv` instead of `$_ENV` for better portability across PHP configurations (hobodave)
* Add support for sub-second queue check intervals (KevBurnsJr)
* Ability to specify a cluster/multiple redis servers and consistent hash between them (dceballos)
* Change arguments for jobs to be an array as they're easier to work with in PHP.
* Implement ability to have setUp and tearDown methods for jobs, called before and after every single run.
2010-08-01 05:07:14 +00:00
* Fix `APP_INCLUDE` environment variable not loading correctly.
* Jobs are no longer defined as static methods, and classes are instantiated first. This change is NOT backwards compatible and requires job classes are updated.
* Job arguments are passed to the job class when it is instantiated, and are accessible by $this->args. This change will break existing job classes that rely on arguments that have not been updated.
2011-03-27 05:02:28 +00:00
* Bundle sample script for managing php-resque instances using monit
* Fix undefined variable `$child` when exiting on non-forking operating systems
* Add `PIDFILE` environment variable to write out a PID for single running workers
2010-04-18 13:58:43 +00:00
## 1.0 (2010-04-18) ##
* Initial release