**Note:** This release is largely backwards compatible with php-resque 1.1. The next release will introduce backwards incompatible changes (moving from Redisent to Credis), and will drop compatibility with PHP 5.2.
* Wrap job arguments in an array to improve compatibility with ruby resque (warezthebeef)
* Fix a bug where the worker would spin out of control taking the server with it, if the redis connection was interrupted even briefly. Use SIGPIPE to trap this scenario cleanly. (d11wtq)
* Added support of Redis prefix (namespaces) (hlegius)
* When reserving jobs, check if the payload received from popping a queue is a valid object (fix bug whereby jobs are reserved based on an erroneous payload) (salimane)
* Re-enable autoload for class_exists in Job.php (humancopy)
* Fix lost jobs when there is more than one worker process started by the same parent process (salimane)
* Move include for resque before APP_INCLUDE is loaded in, so that way resque is available for the app
* Jobs are no longer defined as static methods, and classes are instantiated first. This change is NOT backwards compatible and requires job classes are updated.
* Job arguments are passed to the job class when it is instantiated, and are accessible by $this->args. This change will break existing job classes that rely on arguments that have not been updated.