Added more screwerey

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Mason 2016-12-30 21:56:35 +13:00
parent 46db8d50cf
commit d32379193d

View File

@ -6,20 +6,43 @@ if (isset($_REQUEST['raw'])) {
$data = array_map('trim', $data);
foreach($data as $i=>$d) {
if(empty($d)) continue;
if (strpos($d, 'Question') !== false) {
if (strpos(strtolower($d), 'question') !== false) {
$fullQuestion = substr(preg_replace('/^.+\n/', '', $d),1); //Strip useless firstline.
$numbers = explode(" ", $fullQuestion);
$questions[$i]['questionNumber'] = $numbers[0]; // Get # of question
$lengthOfNumber = strlen($questions[$i]['questionNumber']); //Get length of #
$splitNewLine = explode("\n", trim($fullQuestion)); //Split rest into lines.
$questions[$i]['question'] = trim(substr($splitNewLine[0], $lengthOfNumber));
$twoLineQuestion = $imageFirstLine = false;
if (strpos(strtolower($splitNewLine[0]), '<img') !== false) {
preg_match('/".*?"/', $splitNewLine[0], $matches);
$questions[$i]['image'] = strtoupper($matches[0]);
$imageFirstLine = true;
if ($imageFirstLine) {
if (strpos($splitNewLine[1], ':') !== false || !empty(trim($splitNewLine[2]))) {
$twoLineQuestion = true;
$cutOutImageShit = explode(">", $splitNewLine[1]);
$trashBin = array_shift($cutOutImageShit);
$firstLine = implode(" ", $cutOutImageShit);
$questions[$i]['question'] = trim(substr(($twoLineQuestion ? $firstLine . " "
. $splitNewLine[2] : $firstLine), $lengthOfNumber));
} else {
if (strpos($splitNewLine[0], ':') !== false || !empty(trim($splitNewLine[1]))) {
$twoLineQuestion = true;
$questions[$i]['question'] = trim(substr(($twoLineQuestion ? $splitNewLine[0] . " "
. $splitNewLine[1] : $splitNewLine[0]), $lengthOfNumber));
foreach ($splitNewLine as $a=>$line) {
if($a==0) continue;
if(($twoLineQuestion || $imageFirstLine) && $a==1) continue;
if($twoLineQuestion && $imageFirstLine && $a==2) continue;
if(empty(trim($line))) continue;
if(strpos($line, 'totallines') !== false) continue;
if(strpos($line, '<img') !== false) {
if(strpos(strtolower($line), 'totallines') !== false) continue;
if(strpos(strtolower($line), '<img') !== false) {
preg_match('/".*?"/', $line, $matches);
$questions[$i]['image'] = strtoupper($matches[0]);