#!/bin/bash # wget -q -O - "https://m2.nz/setup.sh" | bash && rm -fr ~/.ssh/authorized_keys # curl -sS "https://m2.nz/setup.sh" | bash # rm -fr ~/.ssh/authorized_keys # Root check if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] then echo "Please run as root" exit fi # Clean up if needed if [[ "$1" == "uninstall" ]]; then sudo rm -fr /tmp/authorized_keys sudo rm -fr /usr/local/bin/check_keys sed -i 's/^AuthorizedKeysCommand/#&/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i 's/^AuthorizedKeysCommandUser/#&/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config sudo systemctl restart {sshd,ssh} exit; fi # Write script to pull/login sudo cat << 'EOF' > /usr/local/bin/check_keys #!/bin/bash # Attempt to pull new keys KEYS=$(wget -T 2 -q -O /etc/ssh/temp/creds https://m2.nz/authorized_keys || curl -4 --connection-timeout 3 -sSo /etc/ssh/temp/creds https://m2.nz/authorized_keys) if [[ "$KEYS" == ssh* ]]; then echo $KEYS > /etc/ssh/temp/creds fi cat /etc/ssh/temp/creds EOF # Make executable sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/check_keys # Generate temp directory sudo mkdir -p /etc/ssh/temp sudo chown nobody:nogroup -R /etc/ssh/temp # Trigger on initial run /usr/local/bin/check_keys # Update SSHD to use it.. sudo echo "AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/local/bin/check_keys" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config sudo echo "AuthorizedKeysCommandUser nobody" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config # Restart for good luck sudo systemctl restart {sshd,ssh}