# FlatFinder Bot [![Build Status](https://ci.tinker.nz/api/badges/idanoo/flat-finder/status.svg)](https://ci.tinker.nz/idanoo/flat-finder) * Uses the Trade Me API to grab new rental properties that have been recently listed * Checks if fibre and VDSL are available by querying Chorus * Includes travel times to various locations ## Requirements * Linux environment * Trade Me API Key [(register an application)](https://www.trademe.co.nz/MyTradeMe/Api/RegisterNewApplication.aspx) ## Optionals * Google Distance Matrix API Key [(get a key)](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/distance-matrix/start#get-a-key) * Discord API key ## Installation * Download latest build * Run with below exe with environment variables set ## Configuration Copy `.env.example`to `.env` and set variables. Leave blank to disable parts. ``` SINCE="2 hours ago" DISCORD_WEBHOOK="abcd" GOOGLE_API_KEY="abcd" GOOGLE_LOCATION_1="42 Wallaby Way, Sydney" GOOGLE_LOCATION_2="43 Wallaby Way, Sydney" DISTRICTS="47,52" BEDROOMS_MIN="2" BEDROOMS_MAX="4" PRICE_MAX="700" PROPERTY_TYPE="House,Townhouse,Apartment" ``` Reference: [http://developer.trademe.co.nz/api-reference/search-methods/rental-search/](http://developer.trademe.co.nz/api-reference/search-methods/rental-search/)