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import type { AnyAction, ThunkDispatch } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import type { RootState } from './core/apiState';
import type { BaseQueryExtraOptions, BaseQueryFn, BaseQueryResult, BaseQueryArg, BaseQueryApi, QueryReturnValue, BaseQueryError, BaseQueryMeta } from './baseQueryTypes';
import type { HasRequiredProps, MaybePromise, OmitFromUnion, CastAny } from './tsHelpers';
import type { NEVER } from './fakeBaseQuery';
declare const resultType: unique symbol;
declare const baseQuery: unique symbol;
interface EndpointDefinitionWithQuery<QueryArg, BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn, ResultType> {
* `query` can be a function that returns either a `string` or an `object` which is passed to your `baseQuery`. If you are using [fetchBaseQuery](./fetchBaseQuery), this can return either a `string` or an `object` of properties in `FetchArgs`. If you use your own custom [`baseQuery`](../../rtk-query/usage/customizing-queries), you can customize this behavior to your liking.
* @example
* ```ts
* // codeblock-meta title="query example"
* import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
* interface Post {
* id: number
* name: string
* }
* type PostsResponse = Post[]
* const api = createApi({
* baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
* endpoints: (build) => ({
* getPosts: build.query<PostsResponse, void>({
* // highlight-start
* query: () => 'posts',
* // highlight-end
* })
* })
* })
* ```
query(arg: QueryArg): BaseQueryArg<BaseQuery>;
queryFn?: never;
* A function to manipulate the data returned by a query or mutation.
transformResponse?(baseQueryReturnValue: BaseQueryResult<BaseQuery>, meta: BaseQueryMeta<BaseQuery>): ResultType | Promise<ResultType>;
interface EndpointDefinitionWithQueryFn<QueryArg, BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn, ResultType> {
* Can be used in place of `query` as an inline function that bypasses `baseQuery` completely for the endpoint.
* @example
* ```ts
* // codeblock-meta title="Basic queryFn example"
* import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
* interface Post {
* id: number
* name: string
* }
* type PostsResponse = Post[]
* const api = createApi({
* baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
* endpoints: (build) => ({
* getPosts: build.query<PostsResponse, void>({
* query: () => 'posts',
* }),
* flipCoin: build.query<'heads' | 'tails', void>({
* // highlight-start
* queryFn(arg, queryApi, extraOptions, baseQuery) {
* const randomVal = Math.random()
* if (randomVal < 0.45) {
* return { data: 'heads' }
* }
* if (randomVal < 0.9) {
* return { data: 'tails' }
* }
* return { error: { status: 500, data: "Coin landed on it's edge!" } }
* }
* // highlight-end
* })
* })
* })
* ```
queryFn(arg: QueryArg, api: BaseQueryApi, extraOptions: BaseQueryExtraOptions<BaseQuery>, baseQuery: (arg: Parameters<BaseQuery>[0]) => ReturnType<BaseQuery>): MaybePromise<QueryReturnValue<ResultType, BaseQueryError<BaseQuery>>>;
query?: never;
transformResponse?: never;
export declare type BaseEndpointDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn, ResultType> = (([CastAny<BaseQueryResult<BaseQuery>, {}>] extends [NEVER] ? never : EndpointDefinitionWithQuery<QueryArg, BaseQuery, ResultType>) | EndpointDefinitionWithQueryFn<QueryArg, BaseQuery, ResultType>) & {
[resultType]?: ResultType;
[baseQuery]?: BaseQuery;
} & HasRequiredProps<BaseQueryExtraOptions<BaseQuery>, {
extraOptions: BaseQueryExtraOptions<BaseQuery>;
}, {
extraOptions?: BaseQueryExtraOptions<BaseQuery>;
export declare enum DefinitionType {
query = "query",
mutation = "mutation"
export declare type GetResultDescriptionFn<TagTypes extends string, ResultType, QueryArg, ErrorType> = (result: ResultType | undefined, error: ErrorType | undefined, arg: QueryArg) => ReadonlyArray<TagDescription<TagTypes>>;
export declare type FullTagDescription<TagType> = {
type: TagType;
id?: number | string;
export declare type TagDescription<TagType> = TagType | FullTagDescription<TagType>;
export declare type ResultDescription<TagTypes extends string, ResultType, QueryArg, ErrorType> = ReadonlyArray<TagDescription<TagTypes>> | GetResultDescriptionFn<TagTypes, ResultType, QueryArg, ErrorType>;
/** @deprecated please use `onQueryStarted` instead */
export interface QueryApi<ReducerPath extends string, Context extends {}> {
/** @deprecated please use `onQueryStarted` instead */
dispatch: ThunkDispatch<any, any, AnyAction>;
/** @deprecated please use `onQueryStarted` instead */
getState(): RootState<any, any, ReducerPath>;
/** @deprecated please use `onQueryStarted` instead */
extra: unknown;
/** @deprecated please use `onQueryStarted` instead */
requestId: string;
/** @deprecated please use `onQueryStarted` instead */
context: Context;
export interface QueryExtraOptions<TagTypes extends string, ResultType, QueryArg, BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn, ReducerPath extends string = string> {
type: DefinitionType.query;
* Used by `query` endpoints. Determines which 'tag' is attached to the cached data returned by the query.
* Expects an array of tag type strings, an array of objects of tag types with ids, or a function that returns such an array.
* 1. `['Post']` - equivalent to `2`
* 2. `[{ type: 'Post' }]` - equivalent to `1`
* 3. `[{ type: 'Post', id: 1 }]`
* 4. `(result, error, arg) => ['Post']` - equivalent to `5`
* 5. `(result, error, arg) => [{ type: 'Post' }]` - equivalent to `4`
* 6. `(result, error, arg) => [{ type: 'Post', id: 1 }]`
* @example
* ```ts
* // codeblock-meta title="providesTags example"
* import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
* interface Post {
* id: number
* name: string
* }
* type PostsResponse = Post[]
* const api = createApi({
* baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
* tagTypes: ['Posts'],
* endpoints: (build) => ({
* getPosts: build.query<PostsResponse, void>({
* query: () => 'posts',
* // highlight-start
* providesTags: (result) =>
* result
* ? [
* ...result.map(({ id }) => ({ type: 'Posts' as const, id })),
* { type: 'Posts', id: 'LIST' },
* ]
* : [{ type: 'Posts', id: 'LIST' }],
* // highlight-end
* })
* })
* })
* ```
providesTags?: ResultDescription<TagTypes, ResultType, QueryArg, BaseQueryError<BaseQuery>>;
* Not to be used. A query should not invalidate tags in the cache.
invalidatesTags?: never;
export declare type QueryDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn, TagTypes extends string, ResultType, ReducerPath extends string = string> = BaseEndpointDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, ResultType> & QueryExtraOptions<TagTypes, ResultType, QueryArg, BaseQuery, ReducerPath>;
export interface MutationExtraOptions<TagTypes extends string, ResultType, QueryArg, BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn, ReducerPath extends string = string> {
type: DefinitionType.mutation;
* Used by `mutation` endpoints. Determines which cached data should be either re-fetched or removed from the cache.
* Expects the same shapes as `providesTags`.
* @example
* ```ts
* // codeblock-meta title="invalidatesTags example"
* import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
* interface Post {
* id: number
* name: string
* }
* type PostsResponse = Post[]
* const api = createApi({
* baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
* tagTypes: ['Posts'],
* endpoints: (build) => ({
* getPosts: build.query<PostsResponse, void>({
* query: () => 'posts',
* providesTags: (result) =>
* result
* ? [
* ...result.map(({ id }) => ({ type: 'Posts' as const, id })),
* { type: 'Posts', id: 'LIST' },
* ]
* : [{ type: 'Posts', id: 'LIST' }],
* }),
* addPost: build.mutation<Post, Partial<Post>>({
* query(body) {
* return {
* url: `posts`,
* method: 'POST',
* body,
* }
* },
* // highlight-start
* invalidatesTags: [{ type: 'Posts', id: 'LIST' }],
* // highlight-end
* }),
* })
* })
* ```
invalidatesTags?: ResultDescription<TagTypes, ResultType, QueryArg, BaseQueryError<BaseQuery>>;
* Not to be used. A mutation should not provide tags to the cache.
providesTags?: never;
export declare type MutationDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn, TagTypes extends string, ResultType, ReducerPath extends string = string> = BaseEndpointDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, ResultType> & MutationExtraOptions<TagTypes, ResultType, QueryArg, BaseQuery, ReducerPath>;
export declare type EndpointDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn, TagTypes extends string, ResultType, ReducerPath extends string = string> = QueryDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, TagTypes, ResultType, ReducerPath> | MutationDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, TagTypes, ResultType, ReducerPath>;
export declare type EndpointDefinitions = Record<string, EndpointDefinition<any, any, any, any>>;
export declare function isQueryDefinition(e: EndpointDefinition<any, any, any, any>): e is QueryDefinition<any, any, any, any>;
export declare function isMutationDefinition(e: EndpointDefinition<any, any, any, any>): e is MutationDefinition<any, any, any, any>;
export declare type EndpointBuilder<BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn, TagTypes extends string, ReducerPath extends string> = {
* An endpoint definition that retrieves data, and may provide tags to the cache.
* @example
* ```js
* // codeblock-meta title="Example of all query endpoint options"
* const api = createApi({
* baseQuery,
* endpoints: (build) => ({
* getPost: build.query({
* query: (id) => ({ url: `post/${id}` }),
* // Pick out data and prevent nested properties in a hook or selector
* transformResponse: (response) => response.data,
* // `result` is the server response
* providesTags: (result, error, id) => [{ type: 'Post', id }],
* // trigger side effects or optimistic updates
* onQueryStarted(id, { dispatch, getState, extra, requestId, queryFulfilled, getCacheEntry, updateCachedData }) {},
* // handle subscriptions etc
* onCacheEntryAdded(id, { dispatch, getState, extra, requestId, cacheEntryRemoved, cacheDataLoaded, getCacheEntry, updateCachedData }) {},
* }),
* }),
query<ResultType, QueryArg>(definition: OmitFromUnion<QueryDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, TagTypes, ResultType>, 'type'>): QueryDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, TagTypes, ResultType>;
* An endpoint definition that alters data on the server or will possibly invalidate the cache.
* @example
* ```js
* // codeblock-meta title="Example of all mutation endpoint options"
* const api = createApi({
* baseQuery,
* endpoints: (build) => ({
* updatePost: build.mutation({
* query: ({ id, ...patch }) => ({ url: `post/${id}`, method: 'PATCH', body: patch }),
* // Pick out data and prevent nested properties in a hook or selector
* transformResponse: (response) => response.data,
* // `result` is the server response
* invalidatesTags: (result, error, id) => [{ type: 'Post', id }],
* // trigger side effects or optimistic updates
* onQueryStarted(id, { dispatch, getState, extra, requestId, queryFulfilled, getCacheEntry }) {},
* // handle subscriptions etc
* onCacheEntryAdded(id, { dispatch, getState, extra, requestId, cacheEntryRemoved, cacheDataLoaded, getCacheEntry }) {},
* }),
* }),
* });
* ```
mutation<ResultType, QueryArg>(definition: OmitFromUnion<MutationDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, TagTypes, ResultType, ReducerPath>, 'type'>): MutationDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, TagTypes, ResultType, ReducerPath>;
export declare type AssertTagTypes = <T extends FullTagDescription<string>>(t: T) => T;
export declare function calculateProvidedBy<ResultType, QueryArg, ErrorType>(description: ResultDescription<string, ResultType, QueryArg, ErrorType> | undefined, result: ResultType | undefined, error: ErrorType | undefined, queryArg: QueryArg, assertTagTypes: AssertTagTypes): readonly FullTagDescription<string>[];
export declare type QueryArgFrom<D extends BaseEndpointDefinition<any, any, any>> = D extends BaseEndpointDefinition<infer QA, any, any> ? QA : unknown;
export declare type ResultTypeFrom<D extends BaseEndpointDefinition<any, any, any>> = D extends BaseEndpointDefinition<any, any, infer RT> ? RT : unknown;
export declare type ReducerPathFrom<D extends EndpointDefinition<any, any, any, any>> = D extends EndpointDefinition<any, any, any, infer RP> ? RP : unknown;
export declare type TagTypesFrom<D extends EndpointDefinition<any, any, any, any>> = D extends EndpointDefinition<any, any, infer RP, any> ? RP : unknown;
export declare type ReplaceTagTypes<Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions, NewTagTypes extends string> = {
[K in keyof Definitions]: Definitions[K] extends QueryDefinition<infer QueryArg, infer BaseQuery, any, infer ResultType, infer ReducerPath> ? QueryDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, NewTagTypes, ResultType, ReducerPath> : Definitions[K] extends MutationDefinition<infer QueryArg, infer BaseQuery, any, infer ResultType, infer ReducerPath> ? MutationDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, NewTagTypes, ResultType, ReducerPath> : never;
export {};