2022-06-27 16:10:01 +12:00

251 lines
7.0 KiB

package goscrobble
import (
type Artist struct {
UUID string `json:"uuid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Desc string `json:"desc"`
Img string `json:"img"`
MusicBrainzID string `json:"mbid"`
SpotifyID string `json:"spotify_id"`
type TopArtist struct {
UUID string `json:"uuid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Img string `json:"img"`
Plays int `json:"plays"`
type TopArtists struct {
Artists map[int]TopArtist `json:"artists"`
// insertArtist - This will return if it exists or create it based on MBID > Name
func insertArtist(name string, mbid string, spotifyId string, img string, tx *sql.Tx) (Artist, error) {
artist := Artist{}
// Try locate our artist
if mbid != "" {
artist = getArtistByCol("mbid", mbid, tx)
} else if spotifyId != "" {
artist = getArtistByCol("spotify_id", spotifyId, tx)
// If it didn't match above, lookup by name
if artist.UUID == "" {
artist = getArtistByCol("name", name, tx)
// If we can't find it. Lets add it!
if artist.UUID == "" {
err := insertNewArtist(&artist, name, mbid, spotifyId, img, tx)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error inserting artist: %+v", err)
return artist, errors.New("Failed to insert artist")
if artist.UUID == "" {
return artist, errors.New("Unable to fetch artist!")
// Updates these values if we have the data!
if artist.MusicBrainzID == "" {
if artist.MusicBrainzID != mbid {
artist.MusicBrainzID = mbid
artist.updateArtist("mbid", mbid, tx)
if artist.SpotifyID == "" {
if artist.SpotifyID != spotifyId {
artist.SpotifyID = spotifyId
artist.updateArtist("spotify_id", spotifyId, tx)
if artist.Img == "" {
if img != "" {
err := importImage(artist.UUID, img)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to import image: %+v. For Album: %s", err, artist.Name)
return artist, nil
artist.Img = "pending"
_ = artist.updateArtist("img", "pending", tx)
return artist, nil
func getArtistByCol(col string, val string, tx *sql.Tx) Artist {
var artist Artist
err := tx.QueryRow(
`SELECT uuid, name, COALESCE(desc,''), COALESCE(img,''), mbid, spotify_id FROM artists WHERE "`+col+`" = $1`,
val).Scan(&artist.UUID, &artist.Name, &artist.Desc, &artist.Img, &artist.MusicBrainzID, &artist.SpotifyID)
if err != nil {
if err != sql.ErrNoRows {
log.Printf("Error fetching artists: %+v", err)
return artist
func insertNewArtist(artist *Artist, name string, mbid string, spotifyId string, img string, tx *sql.Tx) error {
artist.UUID = newUUID()
artist.Name = name
artist.MusicBrainzID = mbid
artist.SpotifyID = spotifyId
artist.Img = img
_, err := tx.Exec(`INSERT INTO artists (uuid, name, mbid, spotify_id, img) `+
`VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)`, artist.UUID, artist.Name, artist.MusicBrainzID, artist.SpotifyID, artist.Img)
return err
func (artist *Artist) updateArtist(col string, val string, tx *sql.Tx) error {
_, err := tx.Exec(`UPDATE artists SET "`+col+`" = $1 WHERE uuid = $2`, val, artist.UUID)
return err
func getArtistByUUID(uuid string) (Artist, error) {
var artist Artist
err := db.QueryRow(`SELECT uuid, name, COALESCE(desc, ''), COALESCE(img,''), mbid, spotify_id FROM artists WHERE uuid = $1`,
uuid).Scan(&artist.UUID, &artist.Name, &artist.Desc, &artist.Img, &artist.MusicBrainzID, &artist.SpotifyID)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return artist, errors.New("Invalid UUID")
return artist, nil
// getTopArtists - 0 UUID will return all
func getTopArtists(userUuid string, dayRange string) (TopArtists, error) {
var topArtist TopArtists
// dateClause := ""
// if dayRange != "" {
// dateClause = " AND DATE(created_at) > SUBDATE(CURRENT_DATE, " + dayRange + ") "
// }
// whereClause := ""
// if userUuid != "0" {
// whereClause = "WHERE `scrobbles`.`user` = UUID_TO_BIN('" + userUuid + "', true) "
// }
// rows, err := db.Query("SELECT BIN_TO_UUID(`artists`.`uuid`, true), `artists`.`name`, IFNULL(BIN_TO_UUID(`artists`.`uuid`, true),''), count(*) " +
// "FROM `scrobbles` " +
// "JOIN `tracks` ON `tracks`.`uuid` = `scrobbles`.`track` " +
// "JOIN track_artist ON track_artist.track = tracks.uuid " +
// "JOIN artists ON track_artist.artist = artists.uuid " +
// whereClause +
// dateClause +
// "GROUP BY `artists`.`uuid` " +
// "ORDER BY count(*) DESC " +
// "LIMIT 14;")
rows, err := db.Query(`SELECT artists.uuid, artists.name, COALESCE(artists.uuid,''), count(*) `+
`FROM scrobbles `+
`JOIN tracks ON tracks.uuid = scrobbles.track `+
`JOIN track_artist ON track_artist.track = tracks.uuid `+
`JOIN artists ON track_artist.artist = artists.uuid `+
`WHERE scrobbles."user" = $1 `+
`GROUP BY artists.uuid `+
`ORDER BY count(*) DESC `+
`LIMIT 14;`,
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to fetch top artist: %+v", err)
return topArtist, errors.New("Failed to fetch top artist")
defer rows.Close()
i := 1
tempArtists := make(map[int]TopArtist)
for rows.Next() {
var artist TopArtist
err := rows.Scan(&artist.UUID, &artist.Name, &artist.Img, &artist.Plays)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to fetch artist: %+v", err)
return topArtist, errors.New("Failed to fetch artist")
tempArtists[i] = artist
topArtist.Artists = tempArtists
return topArtist, nil
// getTopUsersForArtistUUID - Returns list of top users for a track
func getTopUsersForArtistUUID(artistUUID string, limit int, page int) (TopUserResponse, error) {
response := TopUserResponse{}
var count int
total, err := getDbCount(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `scrobbles` "+
"JOIN `track_artist` ON `track_artist`.`track` = `scrobbles`.`track` "+
"WHERE `track_artist`.`artist` = UUID_TO_BIN(?, true);", artistUUID)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to fetch scrobble count: %+v", err)
return response, errors.New("Failed to fetch combined scrobbles")
rows, err := db.Query(
"SELECT BIN_TO_UUID(`scrobbles`.`user`, true), `users`.`username`, COUNT(*) "+
"FROM `scrobbles` "+
"JOIN `users` ON `scrobbles`.`user` = `users`.`uuid` "+
"JOIN `track_artist` ON `track_artist`.`track` = `scrobbles`.`track` "+
"WHERE `track_artist`.`artist` = UUID_TO_BIN(?, true) "+
"GROUP BY `scrobbles`.`user` "+
artistUUID, limit)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to fetch scrobbles: %+v", err)
return response, errors.New("Failed to fetch combined scrobbles")
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
item := TopUserResponseItem{}
err := rows.Scan(&item.UserUUID, &item.UserName, &item.Count)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to fetch scrobbles: %+v", err)
return response, errors.New("Failed to fetch combined scrobbles")
response.Items = append(response.Items, item)
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to fetch scrobbles: %+v", err)
return response, errors.New("Failed to fetch scrobbles")
response.Meta.Count = count
response.Meta.Total = total
response.Meta.Page = page
return response, nil