# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## 0.10.5 - **bugfix**: Fixed MoonLoader display issue [#342](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/pull/342) ## 0.10.4 - Add `.eslintrc.*` to `.npmignore` to reduce packge size. ## 0.10.3 - **bugfix**: Reverted `type:module` change in `package.json` due to [issue #336](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/issues/336). This is causing a `Must use import to load ES Module` error. ## 0.10.2 **Note: this release has a critical issue and was deprecated. Please update to 0.10.3 or higher.** - **bugfix**: the tsconfig compiler option was not overriding properly, so the outputted files are es2015 (with import syntax) vs commonjs (with require syntax. This could cause similar issues like [#74](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/issues/74). ## 0.10.1 **Note: this release has a critical issue and was deprecated. Please update to 0.10.3 or higher.** - Update README using react hooks. Move react class example under a summary tag. ## 0.10.0 **Note: this release has a critical issue and was deprecated. Please update to 0.10.3 or higher.** - update `div` to `span` to fix `
` per [#159](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/issues/159). [PR #325](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/pull/325) - Using [lodash-es](https://github.com/lodash/lodash/blob/4.17.20-es/package.json#L10-L14) as a reference, added `type: module` to `package.json` as an attempt to implement tree shaking via [PR #327](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/pull/327). - replaced tslint with eslint, and npm with yarn. ## 0.10.0-beta.3 - Update `.npmignore` to ignore the `.cjs` files so they are not included in the published build. - Add `.yarn` and `.yarnrc` to `.npmignore`. Old: ``` npm notice version: 0.10.0-beta.2 npm notice package size: 1.2 MB npm notice unpacked size: 5.3 MB npm notice total files: 69 ``` New: ``` npm notice version: 0.10.0-beta.3 npm notice package size: 21.3 kB npm notice unpacked size: 167.1 kB npm notice total files: 65 ``` ## 0.10.0-beta.2 - Using [lodash-es](https://github.com/lodash/lodash/blob/4.17.20-es/package.json#L10-L14) as a reference, added `type: module` to `package.json` as an attempt to fix tree shaking via [PR #327](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/pull/327). - Renamed relevant `.js` files to `.cjs` so they are treated as CommonJs. Otherwise we get errors like `ReferenceError: module is not defined` when running certain commands, like `yarn`. ## 0.10.0-beta.1 - No changes here. Upgrading alpha to beta. ## 0.10.0-alpha.3 - add `react ^17.0.0` and `react-dom ^17.0.0` into peerDependencies to fix [#321](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/issues/321) - update `div` to `span` to fix `
` per [#159](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/issues/159). [PR #325](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/pull/325)
- removed `Keyframes` typing to allow for inferring [PR #326](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/pull/326)
- another round of update for all devDependencies to the latest version except for `react-color`, `react`, `react-dom`, and `@motion/core`. These 4 packages have caused issues during the update and will save them for another time.
## 0.10.0-alpha.2
- add `sideEffects` property to `package.json` to fix tree shaking
## 0.10.0-alpha.1
- updated all dependencies to the latest version.
- switched from using npm to yarn
- deprecated ts-lint in favor of eslint
- updated how loaders are exported to support tree shaking
## 0.9.0
- Added a new loader: `PuffLoader`. Thanks to @dsaw via [PR #200](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/pull/200)
- Update docs site with new loader
## 0.8.3
- **Security**: Bump acorn from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4 due to `Regular Expression Denial of Service`. Details [here](https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-6chw-6frg-f759)
## 0.8.2
- Add `box-sizing: content-box;` to MoonLoader. See [PR](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/pull/162) for more details.
## 0.8.1
- clean up README example: removed unrecommended import, removed comment out size prop, and bolded text for size prop being string and number
## 0.8.0
- Added a new loader: `ClockLoader`
- No other functionality changes
- Fix default value table in README to alphabetize correctly
## 0.7.2
- update README demo site url
## 0.7.1
- run `npm audit fix` to fix vulnerability in `serialslize-javascript` package
- update README to showcase number and string input for size prop
## 0.7.0
- **BREAKING CHANGE**: all unit props have been removed to simplify the component API. See change log for `0.7.0-alpha.1` for more details
## 0.7.0-beta.1
- Update readme to include yarn installation
## 0.7.0-alpha.5
- clean up readme. break up prop section with individual prop headers
## 0.7.0-alpha.4
- update default value for `css` prop on README to be `""` instead of `{}`
- add list of available color words that the `color` prop accepts
- run prettier to format readme
## 0.7.0-alpha.3
- **bugfix**: Fix [issue #140](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/issues/140). The margin prop on `FadeLoader` does what we expect it to do, expand the spacing between the lines
## 0.7.0-alpha.2
- **bugfix**: Fix [issue #139](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/issues/139). The margin prop on `RotateLoader` does what we expect it to do, expand the spacing between the dots
- updated webpack config to split up npm files to avoid brower having to reload them on each change
## 0.7.0-alpha.1
- **BREAKING CHANGE**: all unit props are deprecated, including `sizeUnit`, `heightUnit`, `widthUnit`, and `radiusUnit`. The `size`, `height`, `width`, and `radius` props now accepts `number` and `string`
- If value is number, default to `px`
- If value is string with valid css unit, return the input value
- If value is string with invalid css unit, output warning console log and default to `px`
- `margin` prop now work the same way as other length props. Can accept `number` and `string`
- `css` prop default is now `""`. No functionality change here
## 0.6.1
- **bugfix**: Fix [issue 109](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/issues/109) where `Math.random` is stubbed out in the `GridLoader` component instead in the tests, causing `Math.random` to not work properly if `GridLoader` is used
## 0.6.0
- Offical release for the TypeScript rewrite!
- Major changes:
- Add support for types for individual loader imports
- Add support for using basic color name as props instead of only color hashes
- Reduced total package size from around 850kb to 135gb
- Fix `main` key value in `package.json` to point to the correct `index.js`
- Removed `prop-types` and `recompose` from dependencies
- Added tests to get to 100% code coverage
## 0.6.0-beta.1
- updated `devDependencies` to latest versions
## 0.6.0-alpha.10
- Removed `recompose` from the list of dependencies. We currently wants the component to update for all prop changes, so the `onlyUpdateForKeys` was passed in all the props anyways, so it wasn't doing much
## 0.6.0-alpha.9
- **bugfix**: Fix issue where `PacmanLoader` `top` css property does not respect the `sizeUnit` prop. It was hardcoded to be `px` instead of using `sizeUnit` prop
- update javascript bundle files for demo site
## 0.6.0-alpha.8
- updated rgba conversion function to handle basic colors. Now supports these basically colors
- maroon, red, orange, yellow, olive, green, purple, fuchsia, lime, teal, aqua, blue, navy, black, gray, silver, white
## 0.6.0-alpha.7
- update readme to include `radius` and `radiusUnit` prop description
- update all the tests to use default variables
- add the following to `.npmignore` to further reduce package size
npm notice version: 0.6.0-alpha.6
npm notice package size: 19.8 kB
npm notice unpacked size: 138.5 kB
npm notice version: 0.6.0-alpha.7
npm notice package size: 16.7 kB
npm notice unpacked size: 132.1 kB
## 0.6.0-alpha.6
- add `src` folder to `npmignore`. Previous version wasn't ruthless enough in saving data
npm notice version: 0.6.0-alpha.5
npm notice package size: 26.1 kB
npm notice unpacked size: 191.2 kB
npm notice version: 0.6.0-alpha.6
npm notice package size: 19.8 kB
npm notice unpacked size: 138.5 kB
## 0.6.0-alpha.5
- update `npmignore` to include `__tests__`, `.github`, `.circleci`, `coverage`. This helped to reduce package size. Help to save some data
npm notice version: 0.6.0-alpha.4
npm notice package size: 85.6 kB
npm notice unpacked size: 850.4 kB
npm notice version: 0.6.0-alpha.5
npm notice package size: 26.1 kB
npm notice unpacked size: 191.2 kB
## 0.6.0-alpha.4
- **bugfix**: update `package.json` `main` value from `dist/index.js` to `index.js` to fix codeSandbox import issue
- **bugfix**: add missing `transform` key to the `25%` keyframe in RiseLoader. It was just `25% {translateY(-${riseAmount}px)}` before. Now it is corrected
- add tests for all the loaders. Fixed up a few tests using default variables, namely the first 3 letters in the alphabet
## 0.6.0-alpha.3
- fix missing `"` from `.babelrc` in readme per [PR #77](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/pull/77)
- add tests for `ClipLoader`, `DotLoader`, `FadeLoader`, `GridLoader`, `HashLoader`, and `MoonLoader`
## 0.6.0-alpha.2
- **bugfix**: update `tsconfig.json` `module` property to `commonjs` instead of `esnext`. This caused import errors as seen in [issue 74](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/issues/74)
- added tests for `BarLoader`, `BeatLoader`, `BounceLoader`, `CircleLoader`, and `ClimbingBoxLoader`
## 0.6.0-alpha.1
- This is a complete rewrite of the package. 100% of the code is now in TypeScript. This will show inidividual type definitions for each loader
- `prop-types` has been removed as a dependency. This is now handled by typings
- set up `ts-lint` and `prettier` to help ensure code consistency
## 0.5.13
**Note: this release has a critical [issue](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/issues/74) and was deprecated. Please use <= 0.5.12 or > 0.6.0.**
- fix readme props table formatting. It got a little messy for some reason
## 0.5.12
- fix version glitch. No code changes here
## 0.5.11
- this version should be 0.5.10, but internet issues causesa weird version glitch. Update to 0.5.12 so everything matches
## 0.5.10
- update readme to include explanation of css prop can be string as well as css function from @emotion/core
## 0.5.9
- **bugfix**: Fix [issue 61](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/issues/61) where css overrides are not applied properly. Updated how the override workings using [emotion composition](https://emotion.sh/docs/composition)
## 0.5.8
- **bugfix**: Fix [issue 66](https://github.com/davidhu2000/react-spinners/issues/66) where destructuring import no longer works. Updated how components are exported, changed from `export default` to `export const`
## 0.5.7
- update README.md `.babelrc` example to use `@babel/