# go-scrobble Golang based music scrobbler. Stack: Go 1.16+, Node 15+, React 17+, MySQL 8.0+, Redis There are prebuilt binaries/packages available. Copy .env.example to .env and set variables. You can use https://www.grc.com/passwords.htm to generate a JWT_SECRET. ## More documentation [Environment Variables](docs/config.md) ## Setup MySQL create user 'goscrobble'@'%' identified by 'supersecurepass'; create database goscrobble; grant all privileges on goscrobble.* to 'goscrobble'@'%'; ## Local Development cp .env.example .env # Fill in the blanks go mod tidy CGO_ENABLED=0 go run cmd/go-scrobble/*.go # In another terminal set web/.env.development cd web && npm install && npm start --env development Access dev frontend @ + API @ ## Prod deployment We need to build NPM package, and then ship web/build with the binary. cp .env.example .env # Fill in the blanks cd web npm install --production && npm run build --env production go build -o goscrobble cmd/go-scrobble/*.go ./goscrobble ## Support Development! Feel free to support hosting and my coffee addiction https://liberapay.com/idanoo