{ "main": { "goto": { "doc": "move to a new timezone, but at this same moment. Accepts an IANA code or abbreviation", "out": "clone" }, "clone": { "doc": "make a copy of this object, with no references to the original", "out": "clone" }, "timezone": { "doc": "return a bunch of meta-data about your current timezone", "out": "Object" }, "format": { "doc": "output nicely-formatted strings", "out": "String/Object" }, "startOf": { "doc": "move to the first millisecond of the day, week, month, year, etc.", "out": "clone" }, "endOf": { "doc": "move to the last millisecond of the day, week, month, year, etc.", "out": "clone" }, "add": { "doc": "increment the time by a number and unit - like an hour, minute, day, or year", "out": "clone" }, "subtract": { "doc": "decrease the time by a number and unit - like an hour, minute, day, or year", "out": "clone" }, "next": { "doc": "go to the beginning of the next unit", "out": "clone" }, "last": { "doc": "go to the beginning of the previous unit", "out": "clone" }, "nearest": { "doc": "move forward/backward to the closest unit", "out": "clone" }, "every": { "doc": "list all dates up to a certain time", "out": "clone" }, "isAfter": { "doc": "pass-in a spacetime object or date input and see if it takes-place after your spacetime date/time", "out": "Boolean" }, "isBefore": { "doc": "pass-in a spacetime object or date input and see if it takes-place before your spacetime date/time", "out": "Boolean" }, "isEqual": { "doc": "is this date on the exact same millisecond as another", "out": "Boolean" }, "isSame": { "doc": " detect if two date/times are the same day, week, or year, etc", "out": "Boolean" }, "diff": { "doc": "given a date amd a unit, count how many of them you'd need to make the dates equal", "out": "Number" } }, "getters": { "millisecond": { "doc": "set or return the current number of milliseconds (0-999)", "out": "clone/Number" }, "second": { "doc": "set or return the current number of seconds (0-59)", "out": "clone/Number" }, "minute": { "doc": "set or return the current number of minutes (0-59)", "out": "clone/Number" }, "hour": { "doc": "set or return the current hour, in 24 time (0-23). also accepts/parses '3pm'", "out": "clone/Number" }, "date": { "doc": "set or return the day-number of the month (1- max31)", "out": "clone/Number" }, "month": { "doc": "set or return the zero-based month-number (0-11). Also accepts 'June', or 'oct'.", "out": "clone/Number" }, "year": { "doc": "set or return the 4-digit year as an integer", "out": "clone/Number" }, "dayOfYear": { "doc": "set or return the day of the year (1-366). Jan 1st is 1, Dec 31st is 366.", "out": "clone/Number" }, "time": { "doc": "set or return a formatted, 12-hour time, like '11:30pm'", "out": "clone/Number" }, "week": { "doc": "set or return the week-number of the year (1-52).", "out": "clone/Number" }, "quarter": { "doc": "set or return the fiscal-quarter (1-4)", "out": "clone/Number" }, "season": { "doc": "set or return the name of the season, spring/summer/fall/autumn/winter", "out": "clone/String" }, "hourFloat": { "doc": "set or return the hour + minute in decimal form, so '3:30am' is 3.5", "out": "clone/Number" }, "day": { "doc": "set or return the day of the week as an integer, starting on sunday (day-0). Also accepts names like 'wednesday', or 'thurs'", "out": "clone/Number" }, "ampm": { "doc": "set or return whether the time is am or pm", "out": "clone/String" }, "dayTime": { "doc": "set or return the general time-of-day, like 'afternoon'", "out": "clone/String" }, "monthName": { "doc": "set or return the current month as a string, like 'april'", "out": "clone/String" } }, "utils": { "set": { "doc": "change to a new date. ", "out": "clone" }, "isValid": { "doc": "does this time exist on the gregorian/javascript calendar?", "out": "clone" }, "log": { "doc": "pretty-print the date to the console, for nicer debugging", "out": "clone" }, "progress": { "doc": "Between 0-1, how far the moment lands between the start and end of the day/week/month/year.", "out": "Object" }, "leapYear": { "doc": "is the current year a leap year?", "out": "Boolean" }, "inDST": { "doc": "is daylight-savings-time activated right now, for this timezone?", "out": "Boolean" }, "hasDST": { "doc": "does this timezone ever use daylight-savings", "out": "Boolean" }, "offset": { "doc": "the current, DST-aware time-difference from UTC, in hours", "out": "Number" }, "isAsleep": { "doc": "checks if the current time is between 10pm and 8am", "out": "Boolean" }, "i18n": { "doc": "changes the names of months and days", "out": "clone" }, "weekStart": { "doc": "change the starting of the week (default is monday)", "out": "clone" }, "daysInMonth": { "doc": "returns the amount of days the current month has (December => 31, June => 30, ...)", "out": "Number" } } }