interpret abbreviated and informal timezone names
by Spencer Kelly

The [IANA timezone database]( is the official nomenclature for timezone information, and is what you should use, whenever possible. Humans though, *are goofballs*, and use a whole different informal scheme. --- * In (North) America, we use: **PST, MST, EST**... * in Europe (lately) they use: **WEST, CEST, EEST**... * in Africa they use: **EAT, CAT, WAST**... * in Australia they use: **AWST, AEDT, ACST**... --- these line-up with the IANA timezones sometimes. Other times they don't. These names collide all the time, (like IST - *irish/indian* stardard time). These names produce all-sorts of ambiguities, regarding DST-changes - Both Winnipeg and Mexico City are **CST**, but have a much different DST schedule: ![image]( *(thanks [](!)* Of course, there's a bunch of political/historical/disputed stuff going on, too. Apologies if I step into this unknowingly. This library is an attempt to 'soften' this exchange, between human-IANA, using some *opinionated-but-common-sense* rules and decision-making. It was built for use in the [spacetime]( timezone library, but may be used without it. ```js const informal = require('spacetime-informal') informal.find('EST') // 'America/New_York' informal.find('central') // 'America/Chicago' informal.find('venezuela') // 'America/Caracas' informal.find('south east asia') // 'Asia/Bangkok' informal.display('Toronto') /*{ standard: { name: 'Eastern Standard Time', abbrev: 'EST' }, daylight: { name: 'Eastern Daylight Time', abbrev: 'EDT' }, iana: 'Canada/Toronto' }*/ ``` it was built to be as forgiving as possible, and return the most common-sense IANA timezone id from user-input. --- along with [spacetime](, you can generate human-friendly time formats, like this: ```js const spacetime = require('spacetime') const informal = require('spacetime-informal') let display = informal.display('montreal') let s = let abbrev = s.isDST() ? display.daylight.abbrev : display.standard.abbrev // (add some null-checks) let time = `${s.time()} ${abbrev}` // '4:20pm EDT' ``` work-in-progress. MIT