"use strict"; var _extends = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/extends"), react = require("@emotion/react"), _taggedTemplateLiteral = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/taggedTemplateLiteral"), _objectWithoutProperties = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties"), _typeof = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof"), AutosizeInput = require("react-input-autosize"), _classCallCheck = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck"), _createClass = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass"), _inherits = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/inherits"), _defineProperty$1 = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty"), React = require("react"), reactDom = require("react-dom"); function _interopDefault(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } var _extends__default = _interopDefault(_extends), _taggedTemplateLiteral__default = _interopDefault(_taggedTemplateLiteral), _objectWithoutProperties__default = _interopDefault(_objectWithoutProperties), _typeof__default = _interopDefault(_typeof), AutosizeInput__default = _interopDefault(AutosizeInput), _classCallCheck__default = _interopDefault(_classCallCheck), _createClass__default = _interopDefault(_createClass), _inherits__default = _interopDefault(_inherits), _defineProperty__default = _interopDefault(_defineProperty$1); function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { return key in obj ? Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : obj[key] = value, obj; } function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter((function(sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }))), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; } function _objectSpread2(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(source), !0).forEach((function(key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach((function(key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); })); } return target; } function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return (_getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); })(o); } function _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], (function() {}))), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } } function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (void 0 === self) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return self; } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { return !call || "object" != typeof call && "function" != typeof call ? _assertThisInitialized(self) : call; } function _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function() { var result, Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived); if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else result = Super.apply(this, arguments); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; } var noop = function() {}; function applyPrefixToName(prefix, name) { return name ? "-" === name[0] ? prefix + name : prefix + "__" + name : prefix; } function classNames(prefix, state, className) { var arr = [ className ]; if (state && prefix) for (var key in state) state.hasOwnProperty(key) && state[key] && arr.push("".concat(applyPrefixToName(prefix, key))); return arr.filter((function(i) { return i; })).map((function(i) { return String(i).trim(); })).join(" "); } var cleanValue = function(value) { return Array.isArray(value) ? value.filter(Boolean) : "object" === _typeof__default.default(value) && null !== value ? [ value ] : []; }, cleanCommonProps = function(props) { return props.className, props.clearValue, props.cx, props.getStyles, props.getValue, props.hasValue, props.isMulti, props.isRtl, props.options, props.selectOption, props.selectProps, props.setValue, props.theme, _objectSpread2({}, _objectWithoutProperties__default.default(props, [ "className", "clearValue", "cx", "getStyles", "getValue", "hasValue", "isMulti", "isRtl", "options", "selectOption", "selectProps", "setValue", "theme" ])); }; function handleInputChange(inputValue, actionMeta, onInputChange) { if (onInputChange) { var newValue = onInputChange(inputValue, actionMeta); if ("string" == typeof newValue) return newValue; } return inputValue; } function isDocumentElement(el) { return [ document.documentElement, document.body, window ].indexOf(el) > -1; } function getScrollTop(el) { return isDocumentElement(el) ? window.pageYOffset : el.scrollTop; } function scrollTo(el, top) { isDocumentElement(el) ? window.scrollTo(0, top) : el.scrollTop = top; } function getScrollParent(element) { var style = getComputedStyle(element), excludeStaticParent = "absolute" === style.position, overflowRx = /(auto|scroll)/, docEl = document.documentElement; if ("fixed" === style.position) return docEl; for (var parent = element; parent = parent.parentElement; ) if (style = getComputedStyle(parent), (!excludeStaticParent || "static" !== style.position) && overflowRx.test(style.overflow + style.overflowY + style.overflowX)) return parent; return docEl; } function easeOutCubic(t, b, c, d) { return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t + 1) + b; } function animatedScrollTo(element, to) { var duration = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 200, callback = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : noop, start = getScrollTop(element), change = to - start, increment = 10, currentTime = 0; function animateScroll() { var val = easeOutCubic(currentTime += increment, start, change, duration); scrollTo(element, val), currentTime < duration ? window.requestAnimationFrame(animateScroll) : callback(element); } animateScroll(); } function scrollIntoView(menuEl, focusedEl) { var menuRect = menuEl.getBoundingClientRect(), focusedRect = focusedEl.getBoundingClientRect(), overScroll = focusedEl.offsetHeight / 3; focusedRect.bottom + overScroll > menuRect.bottom ? scrollTo(menuEl, Math.min(focusedEl.offsetTop + focusedEl.clientHeight - menuEl.offsetHeight + overScroll, menuEl.scrollHeight)) : focusedRect.top - overScroll < menuRect.top && scrollTo(menuEl, Math.max(focusedEl.offsetTop - overScroll, 0)); } function getBoundingClientObj(element) { var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); return { bottom: rect.bottom, height: rect.height, left: rect.left, right: rect.right, top: rect.top, width: rect.width }; } function isTouchCapable() { try { return document.createEvent("TouchEvent"), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } } function isMobileDevice() { try { return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent); } catch (e) { return !1; } } var passiveOptionAccessed = !1, options = { get passive() { return passiveOptionAccessed = !0; } }, w = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {}; w.addEventListener && w.removeEventListener && (w.addEventListener("p", noop, options), w.removeEventListener("p", noop, !1)); var supportsPassiveEvents = passiveOptionAccessed; function getMenuPlacement(_ref) { var maxHeight = _ref.maxHeight, menuEl = _ref.menuEl, minHeight = _ref.minHeight, placement = _ref.placement, shouldScroll = _ref.shouldScroll, isFixedPosition = _ref.isFixedPosition, spacing = _ref.theme.spacing, scrollParent = getScrollParent(menuEl), defaultState = { placement: "bottom", maxHeight: maxHeight }; if (!menuEl || !menuEl.offsetParent) return defaultState; var scrollHeight = scrollParent.getBoundingClientRect().height, _menuEl$getBoundingCl = menuEl.getBoundingClientRect(), menuBottom = _menuEl$getBoundingCl.bottom, menuHeight = _menuEl$getBoundingCl.height, menuTop = _menuEl$getBoundingCl.top, containerTop = menuEl.offsetParent.getBoundingClientRect().top, viewHeight = window.innerHeight, scrollTop = getScrollTop(scrollParent), marginBottom = parseInt(getComputedStyle(menuEl).marginBottom, 10), marginTop = parseInt(getComputedStyle(menuEl).marginTop, 10), viewSpaceAbove = containerTop - marginTop, viewSpaceBelow = viewHeight - menuTop, scrollSpaceAbove = viewSpaceAbove + scrollTop, scrollSpaceBelow = scrollHeight - scrollTop - menuTop, scrollDown = menuBottom - viewHeight + scrollTop + marginBottom, scrollUp = scrollTop + menuTop - marginTop; switch (placement) { case "auto": case "bottom": if (viewSpaceBelow >= menuHeight) return { placement: "bottom", maxHeight: maxHeight }; if (scrollSpaceBelow >= menuHeight && !isFixedPosition) return shouldScroll && animatedScrollTo(scrollParent, scrollDown, 160), { placement: "bottom", maxHeight: maxHeight }; if (!isFixedPosition && scrollSpaceBelow >= minHeight || isFixedPosition && viewSpaceBelow >= minHeight) return shouldScroll && animatedScrollTo(scrollParent, scrollDown, 160), { placement: "bottom", maxHeight: isFixedPosition ? viewSpaceBelow - marginBottom : scrollSpaceBelow - marginBottom }; if ("auto" === placement || isFixedPosition) { var _constrainedHeight = maxHeight, spaceAbove = isFixedPosition ? viewSpaceAbove : scrollSpaceAbove; return spaceAbove >= minHeight && (_constrainedHeight = Math.min(spaceAbove - marginBottom - spacing.controlHeight, maxHeight)), { placement: "top", maxHeight: _constrainedHeight }; } if ("bottom" === placement) return shouldScroll && scrollTo(scrollParent, scrollDown), { placement: "bottom", maxHeight: maxHeight }; break; case "top": if (viewSpaceAbove >= menuHeight) return { placement: "top", maxHeight: maxHeight }; if (scrollSpaceAbove >= menuHeight && !isFixedPosition) return shouldScroll && animatedScrollTo(scrollParent, scrollUp, 160), { placement: "top", maxHeight: maxHeight }; if (!isFixedPosition && scrollSpaceAbove >= minHeight || isFixedPosition && viewSpaceAbove >= minHeight) { var _constrainedHeight2 = maxHeight; return (!isFixedPosition && scrollSpaceAbove >= minHeight || isFixedPosition && viewSpaceAbove >= minHeight) && (_constrainedHeight2 = isFixedPosition ? viewSpaceAbove - marginTop : scrollSpaceAbove - marginTop), shouldScroll && animatedScrollTo(scrollParent, scrollUp, 160), { placement: "top", maxHeight: _constrainedHeight2 }; } return { placement: "bottom", maxHeight: maxHeight }; default: throw new Error('Invalid placement provided "'.concat(placement, '".')); } return defaultState; } function alignToControl(placement) { return placement ? { bottom: "top", top: "bottom" }[placement] : "bottom"; } var coercePlacement = function(p) { return "auto" === p ? "bottom" : p; }, menuCSS = function(_ref2) { var _ref3, placement = _ref2.placement, _ref2$theme = _ref2.theme, borderRadius = _ref2$theme.borderRadius, spacing = _ref2$theme.spacing, colors = _ref2$theme.colors; return _ref3 = { label: "menu" }, _defineProperty__default.default(_ref3, alignToControl(placement), "100%"), _defineProperty__default.default(_ref3, "backgroundColor", colors.neutral0), _defineProperty__default.default(_ref3, "borderRadius", borderRadius), _defineProperty__default.default(_ref3, "boxShadow", "0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.1), 0 4px 11px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.1)"), _defineProperty__default.default(_ref3, "marginBottom", spacing.menuGutter), _defineProperty__default.default(_ref3, "marginTop", spacing.menuGutter), _defineProperty__default.default(_ref3, "position", "absolute"), _defineProperty__default.default(_ref3, "width", "100%"), _defineProperty__default.default(_ref3, "zIndex", 1), _ref3; }, PortalPlacementContext = React.createContext({ getPortalPlacement: null }), MenuPlacer = function(_Component) { _inherits__default.default(MenuPlacer, _Component); var _super = _createSuper(MenuPlacer); function MenuPlacer() { var _this; _classCallCheck__default.default(this, MenuPlacer); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) args[_key] = arguments[_key]; return (_this = _super.call.apply(_super, [ this ].concat(args))).state = { maxHeight: _this.props.maxMenuHeight, placement: null }, _this.getPlacement = function(ref) { var _this$props = _this.props, minMenuHeight = _this$props.minMenuHeight, maxMenuHeight = _this$props.maxMenuHeight, menuPlacement = _this$props.menuPlacement, menuPosition = _this$props.menuPosition, menuShouldScrollIntoView = _this$props.menuShouldScrollIntoView, theme = _this$props.theme; if (ref) { var isFixedPosition = "fixed" === menuPosition, state = getMenuPlacement({ maxHeight: maxMenuHeight, menuEl: ref, minHeight: minMenuHeight, placement: menuPlacement, shouldScroll: menuShouldScrollIntoView && !isFixedPosition, isFixedPosition: isFixedPosition, theme: theme }), getPortalPlacement = _this.context.getPortalPlacement; getPortalPlacement && getPortalPlacement(state), _this.setState(state); } }, _this.getUpdatedProps = function() { var menuPlacement = _this.props.menuPlacement, placement = _this.state.placement || coercePlacement(menuPlacement); return _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, _this.props), {}, { placement: placement, maxHeight: _this.state.maxHeight }); }, _this; } return _createClass__default.default(MenuPlacer, [ { key: "render", value: function() { return (0, this.props.children)({ ref: this.getPlacement, placerProps: this.getUpdatedProps() }); } } ]), MenuPlacer; }(React.Component); MenuPlacer.contextType = PortalPlacementContext; var Menu = function(props) { var children = props.children, className = props.className, cx = props.cx, getStyles = props.getStyles, innerRef = props.innerRef, innerProps = props.innerProps; return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("menu", props), className: cx({ menu: !0 }, className), ref: innerRef }, innerProps), children); }, menuListCSS = function(_ref4) { var maxHeight = _ref4.maxHeight, baseUnit = _ref4.theme.spacing.baseUnit; return { maxHeight: maxHeight, overflowY: "auto", paddingBottom: baseUnit, paddingTop: baseUnit, position: "relative", WebkitOverflowScrolling: "touch" }; }, MenuList = function(props) { var children = props.children, className = props.className, cx = props.cx, getStyles = props.getStyles, innerProps = props.innerProps, innerRef = props.innerRef, isMulti = props.isMulti; return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("menuList", props), className: cx({ "menu-list": !0, "menu-list--is-multi": isMulti }, className), ref: innerRef }, innerProps), children); }, noticeCSS = function(_ref5) { var _ref5$theme = _ref5.theme, baseUnit = _ref5$theme.spacing.baseUnit; return { color: _ref5$theme.colors.neutral40, padding: "".concat(2 * baseUnit, "px ").concat(3 * baseUnit, "px"), textAlign: "center" }; }, noOptionsMessageCSS = noticeCSS, loadingMessageCSS = noticeCSS, NoOptionsMessage = function(props) { var children = props.children, className = props.className, cx = props.cx, getStyles = props.getStyles, innerProps = props.innerProps; return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("noOptionsMessage", props), className: cx({ "menu-notice": !0, "menu-notice--no-options": !0 }, className) }, innerProps), children); }; NoOptionsMessage.defaultProps = { children: "No options" }; var LoadingMessage = function(props) { var children = props.children, className = props.className, cx = props.cx, getStyles = props.getStyles, innerProps = props.innerProps; return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("loadingMessage", props), className: cx({ "menu-notice": !0, "menu-notice--loading": !0 }, className) }, innerProps), children); }; LoadingMessage.defaultProps = { children: "Loading..." }; var _templateObject, menuPortalCSS = function(_ref6) { var rect = _ref6.rect, offset = _ref6.offset, position = _ref6.position; return { left: rect.left, position: position, top: offset, width: rect.width, zIndex: 1 }; }, MenuPortal = function(_Component2) { _inherits__default.default(MenuPortal, _Component2); var _super2 = _createSuper(MenuPortal); function MenuPortal() { var _this2; _classCallCheck__default.default(this, MenuPortal); for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) args[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; return (_this2 = _super2.call.apply(_super2, [ this ].concat(args))).state = { placement: null }, _this2.getPortalPlacement = function(_ref7) { var placement = _ref7.placement; placement !== coercePlacement(_this2.props.menuPlacement) && _this2.setState({ placement: placement }); }, _this2; } return _createClass__default.default(MenuPortal, [ { key: "render", value: function() { var _this$props2 = this.props, appendTo = _this$props2.appendTo, children = _this$props2.children, className = _this$props2.className, controlElement = _this$props2.controlElement, cx = _this$props2.cx, innerProps = _this$props2.innerProps, menuPlacement = _this$props2.menuPlacement, position = _this$props2.menuPosition, getStyles = _this$props2.getStyles, isFixed = "fixed" === position; if (!appendTo && !isFixed || !controlElement) return null; var placement = this.state.placement || coercePlacement(menuPlacement), rect = getBoundingClientObj(controlElement), scrollDistance = isFixed ? 0 : window.pageYOffset, state = { offset: rect[placement] + scrollDistance, position: position, rect: rect }, menuWrapper = react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("menuPortal", state), className: cx({ "menu-portal": !0 }, className) }, innerProps), children); return react.jsx(PortalPlacementContext.Provider, { value: { getPortalPlacement: this.getPortalPlacement } }, appendTo ? reactDom.createPortal(menuWrapper, appendTo) : menuWrapper); } } ]), MenuPortal; }(React.Component), containerCSS = function(_ref) { var isDisabled = _ref.isDisabled; return { label: "container", direction: _ref.isRtl ? "rtl" : null, pointerEvents: isDisabled ? "none" : null, position: "relative" }; }, SelectContainer = function(props) { var children = props.children, className = props.className, cx = props.cx, getStyles = props.getStyles, innerProps = props.innerProps, isDisabled = props.isDisabled, isRtl = props.isRtl; return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("container", props), className: cx({ "--is-disabled": isDisabled, "--is-rtl": isRtl }, className) }, innerProps), children); }, valueContainerCSS = function(_ref2) { var spacing = _ref2.theme.spacing; return { alignItems: "center", display: "flex", flex: 1, flexWrap: "wrap", padding: "".concat(spacing.baseUnit / 2, "px ").concat(2 * spacing.baseUnit, "px"), WebkitOverflowScrolling: "touch", position: "relative", overflow: "hidden" }; }, ValueContainer = function(props) { var children = props.children, className = props.className, cx = props.cx, innerProps = props.innerProps, isMulti = props.isMulti, getStyles = props.getStyles, hasValue = props.hasValue; return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("valueContainer", props), className: cx({ "value-container": !0, "value-container--is-multi": isMulti, "value-container--has-value": hasValue }, className) }, innerProps), children); }, indicatorsContainerCSS = function() { return { alignItems: "center", alignSelf: "stretch", display: "flex", flexShrink: 0 }; }, IndicatorsContainer = function(props) { var children = props.children, className = props.className, cx = props.cx, innerProps = props.innerProps, getStyles = props.getStyles; return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("indicatorsContainer", props), className: cx({ indicators: !0 }, className) }, innerProps), children); }; function _EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR__() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } var _ref2 = { name: "8mmkcg", styles: "display:inline-block;fill:currentColor;line-height:1;stroke:currentColor;stroke-width:0" }, Svg = function(_ref) { var size = _ref.size, props = _objectWithoutProperties__default.default(_ref, [ "size" ]); return react.jsx("svg", _extends__default.default({ height: size, width: size, viewBox: "0 0 20 20", "aria-hidden": "true", focusable: "false", css: _ref2 }, props)); }, CrossIcon = function(props) { return react.jsx(Svg, _extends__default.default({ size: 20 }, props), react.jsx("path", { d: "M14.348 14.849c-0.469 0.469-1.229 0.469-1.697 0l-2.651-3.030-2.651 3.029c-0.469 0.469-1.229 0.469-1.697 0-0.469-0.469-0.469-1.229 0-1.697l2.758-3.15-2.759-3.152c-0.469-0.469-0.469-1.228 0-1.697s1.228-0.469 1.697 0l2.652 3.031 2.651-3.031c0.469-0.469 1.228-0.469 1.697 0s0.469 1.229 0 1.697l-2.758 3.152 2.758 3.15c0.469 0.469 0.469 1.229 0 1.698z" })); }, DownChevron = function(props) { return react.jsx(Svg, _extends__default.default({ size: 20 }, props), react.jsx("path", { d: "M4.516 7.548c0.436-0.446 1.043-0.481 1.576 0l3.908 3.747 3.908-3.747c0.533-0.481 1.141-0.446 1.574 0 0.436 0.445 0.408 1.197 0 1.615-0.406 0.418-4.695 4.502-4.695 4.502-0.217 0.223-0.502 0.335-0.787 0.335s-0.57-0.112-0.789-0.335c0 0-4.287-4.084-4.695-4.502s-0.436-1.17 0-1.615z" })); }, baseCSS = function(_ref3) { var isFocused = _ref3.isFocused, _ref3$theme = _ref3.theme, baseUnit = _ref3$theme.spacing.baseUnit, colors = _ref3$theme.colors; return { label: "indicatorContainer", color: isFocused ? colors.neutral60 : colors.neutral20, display: "flex", padding: 2 * baseUnit, transition: "color 150ms", ":hover": { color: isFocused ? colors.neutral80 : colors.neutral40 } }; }, dropdownIndicatorCSS = baseCSS, DropdownIndicator = function(props) { var children = props.children, className = props.className, cx = props.cx, getStyles = props.getStyles, innerProps = props.innerProps; return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("dropdownIndicator", props), className: cx({ indicator: !0, "dropdown-indicator": !0 }, className) }, innerProps), children || react.jsx(DownChevron, null)); }, clearIndicatorCSS = baseCSS, ClearIndicator = function(props) { var children = props.children, className = props.className, cx = props.cx, getStyles = props.getStyles, innerProps = props.innerProps; return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("clearIndicator", props), className: cx({ indicator: !0, "clear-indicator": !0 }, className) }, innerProps), children || react.jsx(CrossIcon, null)); }, indicatorSeparatorCSS = function(_ref4) { var isDisabled = _ref4.isDisabled, _ref4$theme = _ref4.theme, baseUnit = _ref4$theme.spacing.baseUnit, colors = _ref4$theme.colors; return { label: "indicatorSeparator", alignSelf: "stretch", backgroundColor: isDisabled ? colors.neutral10 : colors.neutral20, marginBottom: 2 * baseUnit, marginTop: 2 * baseUnit, width: 1 }; }, IndicatorSeparator = function(props) { var className = props.className, cx = props.cx, getStyles = props.getStyles, innerProps = props.innerProps; return react.jsx("span", _extends__default.default({}, innerProps, { css: getStyles("indicatorSeparator", props), className: cx({ "indicator-separator": !0 }, className) })); }, loadingDotAnimations = react.keyframes(_templateObject || (_templateObject = _taggedTemplateLiteral__default.default([ "\n 0%, 80%, 100% { opacity: 0; }\n 40% { opacity: 1; }\n" ]))), loadingIndicatorCSS = function(_ref5) { var isFocused = _ref5.isFocused, size = _ref5.size, _ref5$theme = _ref5.theme, colors = _ref5$theme.colors, baseUnit = _ref5$theme.spacing.baseUnit; return { label: "loadingIndicator", color: isFocused ? colors.neutral60 : colors.neutral20, display: "flex", padding: 2 * baseUnit, transition: "color 150ms", alignSelf: "center", fontSize: size, lineHeight: 1, marginRight: size, textAlign: "center", verticalAlign: "middle" }; }, LoadingDot = function(_ref6) { var delay = _ref6.delay, offset = _ref6.offset; return react.jsx("span", { css: react.css({ animation: "".concat(loadingDotAnimations, " 1s ease-in-out ").concat(delay, "ms infinite;"), backgroundColor: "currentColor", borderRadius: "1em", display: "inline-block", marginLeft: offset ? "1em" : null, height: "1em", verticalAlign: "top", width: "1em" }, "", "") }); }, LoadingIndicator = function(props) { var className = props.className, cx = props.cx, getStyles = props.getStyles, innerProps = props.innerProps, isRtl = props.isRtl; return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("loadingIndicator", props), className: cx({ indicator: !0, "loading-indicator": !0 }, className) }, innerProps), react.jsx(LoadingDot, { delay: 0, offset: isRtl }), react.jsx(LoadingDot, { delay: 160, offset: !0 }), react.jsx(LoadingDot, { delay: 320, offset: !isRtl })); }; LoadingIndicator.defaultProps = { size: 4 }; var css = function(_ref) { var isDisabled = _ref.isDisabled, isFocused = _ref.isFocused, _ref$theme = _ref.theme, colors = _ref$theme.colors, borderRadius = _ref$theme.borderRadius, spacing = _ref$theme.spacing; return { label: "control", alignItems: "center", backgroundColor: isDisabled ? colors.neutral5 : colors.neutral0, borderColor: isDisabled ? colors.neutral10 : isFocused ? colors.primary : colors.neutral20, borderRadius: borderRadius, borderStyle: "solid", borderWidth: 1, boxShadow: isFocused ? "0 0 0 1px ".concat(colors.primary) : null, cursor: "default", display: "flex", flexWrap: "wrap", justifyContent: "space-between", minHeight: spacing.controlHeight, outline: "0 !important", position: "relative", transition: "all 100ms", "&:hover": { borderColor: isFocused ? colors.primary : colors.neutral30 } }; }, Control = function(props) { var children = props.children, cx = props.cx, getStyles = props.getStyles, className = props.className, isDisabled = props.isDisabled, isFocused = props.isFocused, innerRef = props.innerRef, innerProps = props.innerProps, menuIsOpen = props.menuIsOpen; return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ ref: innerRef, css: getStyles("control", props), className: cx({ control: !0, "control--is-disabled": isDisabled, "control--is-focused": isFocused, "control--menu-is-open": menuIsOpen }, className) }, innerProps), children); }, groupCSS = function(_ref) { var spacing = _ref.theme.spacing; return { paddingBottom: 2 * spacing.baseUnit, paddingTop: 2 * spacing.baseUnit }; }, Group = function(props) { var children = props.children, className = props.className, cx = props.cx, getStyles = props.getStyles, Heading = props.Heading, headingProps = props.headingProps, innerProps = props.innerProps, label = props.label, theme = props.theme, selectProps = props.selectProps; return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("group", props), className: cx({ group: !0 }, className) }, innerProps), react.jsx(Heading, _extends__default.default({}, headingProps, { selectProps: selectProps, theme: theme, getStyles: getStyles, cx: cx }), label), react.jsx("div", null, children)); }, groupHeadingCSS = function(_ref2) { var spacing = _ref2.theme.spacing; return { label: "group", color: "#999", cursor: "default", display: "block", fontSize: "75%", fontWeight: "500", marginBottom: "0.25em", paddingLeft: 3 * spacing.baseUnit, paddingRight: 3 * spacing.baseUnit, textTransform: "uppercase" }; }, GroupHeading = function(props) { var getStyles = props.getStyles, cx = props.cx, className = props.className, _cleanCommonProps = cleanCommonProps(props); _cleanCommonProps.data; var innerProps = _objectWithoutProperties__default.default(_cleanCommonProps, [ "data" ]); return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("groupHeading", props), className: cx({ "group-heading": !0 }, className) }, innerProps)); }, inputCSS = function(_ref) { var isDisabled = _ref.isDisabled, _ref$theme = _ref.theme, spacing = _ref$theme.spacing, colors = _ref$theme.colors; return { margin: spacing.baseUnit / 2, paddingBottom: spacing.baseUnit / 2, paddingTop: spacing.baseUnit / 2, visibility: isDisabled ? "hidden" : "visible", color: colors.neutral80 }; }, inputStyle = function(isHidden) { return { label: "input", background: 0, border: 0, fontSize: "inherit", opacity: isHidden ? 0 : 1, outline: 0, padding: 0, color: "inherit" }; }, Input = function(props) { var className = props.className, cx = props.cx, getStyles = props.getStyles, _cleanCommonProps = cleanCommonProps(props), innerRef = _cleanCommonProps.innerRef, isDisabled = _cleanCommonProps.isDisabled, isHidden = _cleanCommonProps.isHidden, innerProps = _objectWithoutProperties__default.default(_cleanCommonProps, [ "innerRef", "isDisabled", "isHidden" ]); return react.jsx("div", { css: getStyles("input", props) }, react.jsx(AutosizeInput__default.default, _extends__default.default({ className: cx({ input: !0 }, className), inputRef: innerRef, inputStyle: inputStyle(isHidden), disabled: isDisabled }, innerProps))); }, multiValueCSS = function(_ref) { var _ref$theme = _ref.theme, spacing = _ref$theme.spacing, borderRadius = _ref$theme.borderRadius; return { label: "multiValue", backgroundColor: _ref$theme.colors.neutral10, borderRadius: borderRadius / 2, display: "flex", margin: spacing.baseUnit / 2, minWidth: 0 }; }, multiValueLabelCSS = function(_ref2) { var _ref2$theme = _ref2.theme, borderRadius = _ref2$theme.borderRadius, colors = _ref2$theme.colors, cropWithEllipsis = _ref2.cropWithEllipsis; return { borderRadius: borderRadius / 2, color: colors.neutral80, fontSize: "85%", overflow: "hidden", padding: 3, paddingLeft: 6, textOverflow: cropWithEllipsis ? "ellipsis" : null, whiteSpace: "nowrap" }; }, multiValueRemoveCSS = function(_ref3) { var _ref3$theme = _ref3.theme, spacing = _ref3$theme.spacing, borderRadius = _ref3$theme.borderRadius, colors = _ref3$theme.colors; return { alignItems: "center", borderRadius: borderRadius / 2, backgroundColor: _ref3.isFocused && colors.dangerLight, display: "flex", paddingLeft: spacing.baseUnit, paddingRight: spacing.baseUnit, ":hover": { backgroundColor: colors.dangerLight, color: colors.danger } }; }, MultiValueGeneric = function(_ref4) { var children = _ref4.children, innerProps = _ref4.innerProps; return react.jsx("div", innerProps, children); }, MultiValueContainer = MultiValueGeneric, MultiValueLabel = MultiValueGeneric; function MultiValueRemove(_ref5) { var children = _ref5.children, innerProps = _ref5.innerProps; return react.jsx("div", innerProps, children || react.jsx(CrossIcon, { size: 14 })); } var MultiValue = function(props) { var children = props.children, className = props.className, components = props.components, cx = props.cx, data = props.data, getStyles = props.getStyles, innerProps = props.innerProps, isDisabled = props.isDisabled, removeProps = props.removeProps, selectProps = props.selectProps, Container = components.Container, Label = components.Label, Remove = components.Remove; return react.jsx(react.ClassNames, null, (function(_ref6) { var css = _ref6.css, emotionCx = _ref6.cx; return react.jsx(Container, { data: data, innerProps: _objectSpread2({ className: emotionCx(css(getStyles("multiValue", props)), cx({ "multi-value": !0, "multi-value--is-disabled": isDisabled }, className)) }, innerProps), selectProps: selectProps }, react.jsx(Label, { data: data, innerProps: { className: emotionCx(css(getStyles("multiValueLabel", props)), cx({ "multi-value__label": !0 }, className)) }, selectProps: selectProps }, children), react.jsx(Remove, { data: data, innerProps: _objectSpread2({ className: emotionCx(css(getStyles("multiValueRemove", props)), cx({ "multi-value__remove": !0 }, className)) }, removeProps), selectProps: selectProps })); })); }; MultiValue.defaultProps = { cropWithEllipsis: !0 }; var optionCSS = function(_ref) { var isDisabled = _ref.isDisabled, isFocused = _ref.isFocused, isSelected = _ref.isSelected, _ref$theme = _ref.theme, spacing = _ref$theme.spacing, colors = _ref$theme.colors; return { label: "option", backgroundColor: isSelected ? colors.primary : isFocused ? colors.primary25 : "transparent", color: isDisabled ? colors.neutral20 : isSelected ? colors.neutral0 : "inherit", cursor: "default", display: "block", fontSize: "inherit", padding: "".concat(2 * spacing.baseUnit, "px ").concat(3 * spacing.baseUnit, "px"), width: "100%", userSelect: "none", WebkitTapHighlightColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", ":active": { backgroundColor: !isDisabled && (isSelected ? colors.primary : colors.primary50) } }; }, Option = function(props) { var children = props.children, className = props.className, cx = props.cx, getStyles = props.getStyles, isDisabled = props.isDisabled, isFocused = props.isFocused, isSelected = props.isSelected, innerRef = props.innerRef, innerProps = props.innerProps; return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("option", props), className: cx({ option: !0, "option--is-disabled": isDisabled, "option--is-focused": isFocused, "option--is-selected": isSelected }, className), ref: innerRef }, innerProps), children); }, placeholderCSS = function(_ref) { var _ref$theme = _ref.theme, spacing = _ref$theme.spacing; return { label: "placeholder", color: _ref$theme.colors.neutral50, marginLeft: spacing.baseUnit / 2, marginRight: spacing.baseUnit / 2, position: "absolute", top: "50%", transform: "translateY(-50%)" }; }, Placeholder = function(props) { var children = props.children, className = props.className, cx = props.cx, getStyles = props.getStyles, innerProps = props.innerProps; return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("placeholder", props), className: cx({ placeholder: !0 }, className) }, innerProps), children); }, css$1 = function(_ref) { var isDisabled = _ref.isDisabled, _ref$theme = _ref.theme, spacing = _ref$theme.spacing, colors = _ref$theme.colors; return { label: "singleValue", color: isDisabled ? colors.neutral40 : colors.neutral80, marginLeft: spacing.baseUnit / 2, marginRight: spacing.baseUnit / 2, maxWidth: "calc(100% - ".concat(2 * spacing.baseUnit, "px)"), overflow: "hidden", position: "absolute", textOverflow: "ellipsis", whiteSpace: "nowrap", top: "50%", transform: "translateY(-50%)" }; }, SingleValue = function(props) { var children = props.children, className = props.className, cx = props.cx, getStyles = props.getStyles, isDisabled = props.isDisabled, innerProps = props.innerProps; return react.jsx("div", _extends__default.default({ css: getStyles("singleValue", props), className: cx({ "single-value": !0, "single-value--is-disabled": isDisabled }, className) }, innerProps), children); }, components = { ClearIndicator: ClearIndicator, Control: Control, DropdownIndicator: DropdownIndicator, DownChevron: DownChevron, CrossIcon: CrossIcon, Group: Group, GroupHeading: GroupHeading, IndicatorsContainer: IndicatorsContainer, IndicatorSeparator: IndicatorSeparator, Input: Input, LoadingIndicator: LoadingIndicator, Menu: Menu, MenuList: MenuList, MenuPortal: MenuPortal, LoadingMessage: LoadingMessage, NoOptionsMessage: NoOptionsMessage, MultiValue: MultiValue, MultiValueContainer: MultiValueContainer, MultiValueLabel: MultiValueLabel, MultiValueRemove: MultiValueRemove, Option: Option, Placeholder: Placeholder, SelectContainer: SelectContainer, SingleValue: SingleValue, ValueContainer: ValueContainer }, defaultComponents = function(props) { return _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, components), props.components); }; exports.MenuPlacer = MenuPlacer, exports._createSuper = _createSuper, exports._objectSpread2 = _objectSpread2, exports.classNames = classNames, exports.cleanValue = cleanValue, exports.clearIndicatorCSS = clearIndicatorCSS, exports.components = components, exports.containerCSS = containerCSS, exports.css = css, exports.css$1 = css$1, exports.defaultComponents = defaultComponents, exports.dropdownIndicatorCSS = dropdownIndicatorCSS, exports.groupCSS = groupCSS, exports.groupHeadingCSS = groupHeadingCSS, exports.handleInputChange = handleInputChange, exports.indicatorSeparatorCSS = indicatorSeparatorCSS, exports.indicatorsContainerCSS = indicatorsContainerCSS, exports.inputCSS = inputCSS, exports.isDocumentElement = isDocumentElement, exports.isMobileDevice = isMobileDevice, exports.isTouchCapable = isTouchCapable, exports.loadingIndicatorCSS = loadingIndicatorCSS, exports.loadingMessageCSS = loadingMessageCSS, exports.menuCSS = menuCSS, exports.menuListCSS = menuListCSS, exports.menuPortalCSS = menuPortalCSS, exports.multiValueCSS = multiValueCSS, exports.multiValueLabelCSS = multiValueLabelCSS, exports.multiValueRemoveCSS = multiValueRemoveCSS, exports.noOptionsMessageCSS = noOptionsMessageCSS, exports.noop = noop, exports.optionCSS = optionCSS, exports.placeholderCSS = placeholderCSS, exports.scrollIntoView = scrollIntoView, exports.supportsPassiveEvents = supportsPassiveEvents, exports.valueContainerCSS = valueContainerCSS;