ESLint-plugin-React =================== [![Maintenance Status][status-image]][status-url] [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Dependency Status][deps-image]][deps-url] [![Code Climate][climate-image]][climate-url] [![Tidelift][tidelift-image]][tidelift-url] React specific linting rules for ESLint # Installation Install [ESLint]( either locally or globally. (Note that locally, per project, is strongly preferred) ```sh $ npm install eslint --save-dev ``` If you installed `ESLint` globally, you have to install React plugin globally too. Otherwise, install it locally. ```sh $ npm install eslint-plugin-react --save-dev ``` # Configuration Use [our preset](#recommended) to get reasonable defaults: ```json "extends": [ "eslint:recommended", "plugin:react/recommended" ] ``` You should also specify settings that will be shared across all the plugin rules. ([More about eslint shared settings]( ```json5 { "settings": { "react": { "createClass": "createReactClass", // Regex for Component Factory to use, // default to "createReactClass" "pragma": "React", // Pragma to use, default to "React" "fragment": "Fragment", // Fragment to use (may be a property of ), default to "Fragment" "version": "detect", // React version. "detect" automatically picks the version you have installed. // You can also use `16.0`, `16.3`, etc, if you want to override the detected value. // default to latest and warns if missing // It will default to "detect" in the future "flowVersion": "0.53" // Flow version }, "propWrapperFunctions": [ // The names of any function used to wrap propTypes, e.g. `forbidExtraProps`. If this isn't set, any propTypes wrapped in a function will be skipped. "forbidExtraProps", {"property": "freeze", "object": "Object"}, {"property": "myFavoriteWrapper"} ], "componentWrapperFunctions": [ // The name of any function used to wrap components, e.g. Mobx `observer` function. If this isn't set, components wrapped by these functions will be skipped. "observer", // `property` {"property": "styled"}, // `object` is optional {"property": "observer", "object": "Mobx"}, {"property": "observer", "object": ""} // sets `object` to whatever value `settings.react.pragma` is set to ], "linkComponents": [ // Components used as alternatives to for linking, eg. "Hyperlink", {"name": "Link", "linkAttribute": "to"} ] } } ``` If you do not use a preset you will need to specify individual rules and add extra configuration. Add "react" to the plugins section. ```json { "plugins": [ "react" ] } ``` Enable JSX support. With ESLint 2+ ```json { "parserOptions": { "ecmaFeatures": { "jsx": true } } } ``` Enable the rules that you would like to use. ```json "rules": { "react/jsx-uses-react": "error", "react/jsx-uses-vars": "error", } ``` # List of supported rules ✔: Enabled in the [`recommended`](#recommended) configuration.\ 🔧: Fixable with [`eslint --fix`]( | ✔ | 🔧 | Rule | Description | | :---: | :---: | :--- | :--- | | | | [react/boolean-prop-naming](docs/rules/ | Enforces consistent naming for boolean props | | | | [react/button-has-type](docs/rules/ | Forbid "button" element without an explicit "type" attribute | | | | [react/default-props-match-prop-types](docs/rules/ | Enforce all defaultProps are defined and not "required" in propTypes. | | | | [react/destructuring-assignment](docs/rules/ | Enforce consistent usage of destructuring assignment of props, state, and context | | ✔ | | [react/display-name](docs/rules/ | Prevent missing displayName in a React component definition | | | | [react/forbid-component-props](docs/rules/ | Forbid certain props on components | | | | [react/forbid-dom-props](docs/rules/ | Forbid certain props on DOM Nodes | | | | [react/forbid-elements](docs/rules/ | Forbid certain elements | | | | [react/forbid-foreign-prop-types](docs/rules/ | Forbid using another component's propTypes | | | | [react/forbid-prop-types](docs/rules/ | Forbid certain propTypes | | | 🔧 | [react/function-component-definition](docs/rules/ | Standardize the way function component get defined | | | | [react/no-access-state-in-setstate](docs/rules/ | Reports when this.state is accessed within setState | | | | [react/no-adjacent-inline-elements](docs/rules/ | Prevent adjacent inline elements not separated by whitespace. | | | | [react/no-array-index-key](docs/rules/ | Prevent usage of Array index in keys | | ✔ | | [react/no-children-prop](docs/rules/ | Prevent passing of children as props. | | | | [react/no-danger](docs/rules/ | Prevent usage of dangerous JSX props | | ✔ | | [react/no-danger-with-children](docs/rules/ | Report when a DOM element is using both children and dangerouslySetInnerHTML | | ✔ | | [react/no-deprecated](docs/rules/ | Prevent usage of deprecated methods | | | | [react/no-did-mount-set-state](docs/rules/ | Prevent usage of setState in componentDidMount | | | | [react/no-did-update-set-state](docs/rules/ | Prevent usage of setState in componentDidUpdate | | ✔ | | [react/no-direct-mutation-state](docs/rules/ | Prevent direct mutation of this.state | | ✔ | | [react/no-find-dom-node](docs/rules/ | Prevent usage of findDOMNode | | ✔ | | [react/no-is-mounted](docs/rules/ | Prevent usage of isMounted | | | | [react/no-multi-comp](docs/rules/ | Prevent multiple component definition per file | | | | [react/no-redundant-should-component-update](docs/rules/ | Flag shouldComponentUpdate when extending PureComponent | | ✔ | | [react/no-render-return-value](docs/rules/ | Prevent usage of the return value of React.render | | | | [react/no-set-state](docs/rules/ | Prevent usage of setState | | ✔ | | [react/no-string-refs](docs/rules/ | Prevent string definitions for references and prevent referencing this.refs | | | | [react/no-this-in-sfc](docs/rules/ | Report "this" being used in stateless components | | | | [react/no-typos](docs/rules/ | Prevent common typos | | ✔ | | [react/no-unescaped-entities](docs/rules/ | Detect unescaped HTML entities, which might represent malformed tags | | ✔ | 🔧 | [react/no-unknown-property](docs/rules/ | Prevent usage of unknown DOM property | | | | [react/no-unsafe](docs/rules/ | Prevent usage of unsafe lifecycle methods | | | | [react/no-unstable-nested-components](docs/rules/ | Prevent creating unstable components inside components | | | | [react/no-unused-prop-types](docs/rules/ | Prevent definitions of unused prop types | | | | [react/no-unused-state](docs/rules/ | Prevent definition of unused state fields | | | | [react/no-will-update-set-state](docs/rules/ | Prevent usage of setState in componentWillUpdate | | | | [react/prefer-es6-class](docs/rules/ | Enforce ES5 or ES6 class for React Components | | | 🔧 | [react/prefer-read-only-props](docs/rules/ | Require read-only props. | | | | [react/prefer-stateless-function](docs/rules/ | Enforce stateless components to be written as a pure function | | ✔ | | [react/prop-types](docs/rules/ | Prevent missing props validation in a React component definition | | ✔ | | [react/react-in-jsx-scope](docs/rules/ | Prevent missing React when using JSX | | | | [react/require-default-props](docs/rules/ | Enforce a defaultProps definition for every prop that is not a required prop. | | | | [react/require-optimization](docs/rules/ | Enforce React components to have a shouldComponentUpdate method | | ✔ | | [react/require-render-return](docs/rules/ | Enforce ES5 or ES6 class for returning value in render function | | | 🔧 | [react/self-closing-comp](docs/rules/ | Prevent extra closing tags for components without children | | | | [react/sort-comp](docs/rules/ | Enforce component methods order | | | | [react/sort-prop-types](docs/rules/ | Enforce propTypes declarations alphabetical sorting | | | | [react/state-in-constructor](docs/rules/ | State initialization in an ES6 class component should be in a constructor | | | | [react/static-property-placement](docs/rules/ | Defines where React component static properties should be positioned. | | | | [react/style-prop-object](docs/rules/ | Enforce style prop value is an object | | | | [react/void-dom-elements-no-children](docs/rules/ | Prevent passing of children to void DOM elements (e.g. `
`). | ## JSX-specific rules | ✔ | 🔧 | Rule | Description | | :---: | :---: | :--- | :--- | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-boolean-value](docs/rules/ | Enforce boolean attributes notation in JSX | | | | [react/jsx-child-element-spacing](docs/rules/ | Ensures inline tags are not rendered without spaces between them | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-closing-bracket-location](docs/rules/ | Validate closing bracket location in JSX | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-closing-tag-location](docs/rules/ | Validate closing tag location for multiline JSX | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-curly-brace-presence](docs/rules/ | Disallow unnecessary JSX expressions when literals alone are sufficient or enfore JSX expressions on literals in JSX children or attributes | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-curly-newline](docs/rules/ | Enforce consistent line breaks inside jsx curly | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-curly-spacing](docs/rules/ | Enforce or disallow spaces inside of curly braces in JSX attributes | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-equals-spacing](docs/rules/ | Disallow or enforce spaces around equal signs in JSX attributes | | | | [react/jsx-filename-extension](docs/rules/ | Restrict file extensions that may contain JSX | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-first-prop-new-line](docs/rules/ | Ensure proper position of the first property in JSX | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-fragments](docs/rules/ | Enforce shorthand or standard form for React fragments | | | | [react/jsx-handler-names](docs/rules/ | Enforce event handler naming conventions in JSX | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-indent](docs/rules/ | Validate JSX indentation | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-indent-props](docs/rules/ | Validate props indentation in JSX | | ✔ | | [react/jsx-key](docs/rules/ | Report missing `key` props in iterators/collection literals | | | | [react/jsx-max-depth](docs/rules/ | Validate JSX maximum depth | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-max-props-per-line](docs/rules/ | Limit maximum of props on a single line in JSX | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-newline](docs/rules/ | Require or prevent a new line after jsx elements and expressions. | | | | [react/jsx-no-bind](docs/rules/ | Prevents usage of Function.prototype.bind and arrow functions in React component props | | ✔ | | [react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes](docs/rules/ | Comments inside children section of tag should be placed inside braces | | | | [react/jsx-no-constructed-context-values](docs/rules/ | Prevents JSX context provider values from taking values that will cause needless rerenders. | | ✔ | | [react/jsx-no-duplicate-props](docs/rules/ | Enforce no duplicate props | | | | [react/jsx-no-literals](docs/rules/ | Prevent using string literals in React component definition | | | | [react/jsx-no-script-url](docs/rules/ | Forbid `javascript:` URLs | | ✔ | 🔧 | [react/jsx-no-target-blank](docs/rules/ | Forbid `target="_blank"` attribute without `rel="noreferrer"` | | ✔ | | [react/jsx-no-undef](docs/rules/ | Disallow undeclared variables in JSX | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-no-useless-fragment](docs/rules/ | Disallow unnecessary fragments | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-one-expression-per-line](docs/rules/ | Limit to one expression per line in JSX | | | | [react/jsx-pascal-case](docs/rules/ | Enforce PascalCase for user-defined JSX components | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-props-no-multi-spaces](docs/rules/ | Disallow multiple spaces between inline JSX props | | | | [react/jsx-props-no-spreading](docs/rules/ | Prevent JSX prop spreading | | | | [react/jsx-sort-default-props](docs/rules/ | Enforce default props alphabetical sorting | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-sort-props](docs/rules/ | Enforce props alphabetical sorting | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-space-before-closing](docs/rules/ | Validate spacing before closing bracket in JSX | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-tag-spacing](docs/rules/ | Validate whitespace in and around the JSX opening and closing brackets | | ✔ | | [react/jsx-uses-react](docs/rules/ | Prevent React to be marked as unused | | ✔ | | [react/jsx-uses-vars](docs/rules/ | Prevent variables used in JSX to be marked as unused | | | 🔧 | [react/jsx-wrap-multilines](docs/rules/ | Prevent missing parentheses around multilines JSX | ## Other useful plugins - Rules of Hooks: [eslint-plugin-react-hooks]( - JSX accessibility: [eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y]( - React Native: [eslint-plugin-react-native]( # Shareable configurations ## Recommended This plugin exports a `recommended` configuration that enforces React good practices. To enable this configuration use the `extends` property in your `.eslintrc` config file: ```json { "extends": ["eslint:recommended", "plugin:react/recommended"] } ``` See [ESLint documentation]( for more information about extending configuration files. ## All This plugin also exports an `all` configuration that includes every available rule. This pairs well with the `eslint:all` rule. ```json { "plugins": [ "react" ], "extends": ["eslint:all", "plugin:react/all"] } ``` **Note**: These configurations will import `eslint-plugin-react` and enable JSX in [parser options]( # License ESLint-plugin-React is licensed under the [MIT License]( [npm-url]: [npm-image]: [travis-url]: [travis-image]: [deps-url]: [deps-image]: [climate-url]: [climate-image]: [status-url]: [status-image]: [tidelift-url]: [tidelift-image]: