"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.tab = tab; var _dom = require("@testing-library/dom"); var _utils = require("./utils"); var _focus = require("./focus"); var _blur = require("./blur"); function getNextElement(currentIndex, shift, elements, focusTrap) { if (focusTrap === document && currentIndex === 0 && shift) { return document.body; } else if (focusTrap === document && currentIndex === elements.length - 1 && !shift) { return document.body; } else { const nextIndex = shift ? currentIndex - 1 : currentIndex + 1; const defaultIndex = shift ? elements.length - 1 : 0; return elements[nextIndex] || elements[defaultIndex]; } } function tab({ shift = false, focusTrap } = {}) { var _focusTrap$ownerDocum, _focusTrap; const previousElement = (0, _utils.getActiveElement)((_focusTrap$ownerDocum = (_focusTrap = focusTrap) == null ? void 0 : _focusTrap.ownerDocument) != null ? _focusTrap$ownerDocum : document); if (!focusTrap) { focusTrap = document; } const focusableElements = focusTrap.querySelectorAll(_utils.FOCUSABLE_SELECTOR); const enabledElements = [...focusableElements].filter(el => el === previousElement || el.getAttribute('tabindex') !== '-1' && !el.disabled && // Hidden elements are not tabable (0, _utils.isVisible)(el)); if (enabledElements.length === 0) return; const orderedElements = enabledElements.map((el, idx) => ({ el, idx })).sort((a, b) => { // tabindex has no effect if the active element has tabindex="-1" if (previousElement && previousElement.getAttribute('tabindex') === '-1') { return a.idx - b.idx; } const tabIndexA = a.el.getAttribute('tabindex'); const tabIndexB = b.el.getAttribute('tabindex'); const diff = tabIndexA - tabIndexB; return diff === 0 ? a.idx - b.idx : diff; }).map(({ el }) => el); const checkedRadio = {}; let prunedElements = []; orderedElements.forEach(el => { // For radio groups keep only the active radio // If there is no active radio, keep only the checked radio // If there is no checked radio, treat like everything else if (el.type === 'radio' && el.name) { // If the active element is part of the group, add only that if (previousElement && previousElement.type === el.type && previousElement.name === el.name) { if (el === previousElement) { prunedElements.push(el); } return; } // If we stumble upon a checked radio, remove the others if (el.checked) { prunedElements = prunedElements.filter(e => e.type !== el.type || e.name !== el.name); prunedElements.push(el); checkedRadio[el.name] = el; return; } // If we already found the checked one, skip if (checkedRadio[el.name]) { return; } } prunedElements.push(el); }); const index = prunedElements.findIndex(el => el === previousElement); const nextElement = getNextElement(index, shift, prunedElements, focusTrap); const shiftKeyInit = { key: 'Shift', keyCode: 16, shiftKey: true }; const tabKeyInit = { key: 'Tab', keyCode: 9, shiftKey: shift }; let continueToTab = true; // not sure how to make it so there's no previous element... // istanbul ignore else if (previousElement) { // preventDefault on the shift key makes no difference if (shift) _dom.fireEvent.keyDown(previousElement, { ...shiftKeyInit }); continueToTab = _dom.fireEvent.keyDown(previousElement, { ...tabKeyInit }); } const keyUpTarget = !continueToTab && previousElement ? previousElement : nextElement; if (continueToTab) { if (nextElement === document.body) { (0, _blur.blur)(previousElement); } else { (0, _focus.focus)(nextElement); } } _dom.fireEvent.keyUp(keyUpTarget, { ...tabKeyInit }); if (shift) { _dom.fireEvent.keyUp(keyUpTarget, { ...shiftKeyInit, shiftKey: false }); } } /* eslint complexity: "off", max-statements: "off", */