"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.click = click; exports.dblClick = dblClick; var _dom = require("@testing-library/dom"); var _utils = require("./utils"); var _hover = require("./hover"); var _blur = require("./blur"); var _focus = require("./focus"); function getPreviouslyFocusedElement(element) { const focusedElement = element.ownerDocument.activeElement; const wasAnotherElementFocused = focusedElement && focusedElement !== element.ownerDocument.body && focusedElement !== element; return wasAnotherElementFocused ? focusedElement : null; } function clickLabel(label, init, { clickCount }) { if ((0, _utils.isLabelWithInternallyDisabledControl)(label)) return; _dom.fireEvent.pointerDown(label, init); _dom.fireEvent.mouseDown(label, (0, _utils.getMouseEventOptions)('mousedown', init, clickCount)); _dom.fireEvent.pointerUp(label, init); _dom.fireEvent.mouseUp(label, (0, _utils.getMouseEventOptions)('mouseup', init, clickCount)); _dom.fireEvent.click(label, (0, _utils.getMouseEventOptions)('click', init, clickCount)); // clicking the label will trigger a click of the label.control // however, it will not focus the label.control so we have to do it // ourselves. if (label.control) (0, _focus.focus)(label.control); } function clickBooleanElement(element, init, clickCount) { _dom.fireEvent.pointerDown(element, init); if (!element.disabled) { _dom.fireEvent.mouseDown(element, (0, _utils.getMouseEventOptions)('mousedown', init, clickCount)); } (0, _focus.focus)(element, init); _dom.fireEvent.pointerUp(element, init); if (!element.disabled) { _dom.fireEvent.mouseUp(element, (0, _utils.getMouseEventOptions)('mouseup', init, clickCount)); _dom.fireEvent.click(element, (0, _utils.getMouseEventOptions)('click', init, clickCount)); } } function clickElement(element, init, { clickCount }) { const previousElement = getPreviouslyFocusedElement(element); _dom.fireEvent.pointerDown(element, init); if (!element.disabled) { const continueDefaultHandling = _dom.fireEvent.mouseDown(element, (0, _utils.getMouseEventOptions)('mousedown', init, clickCount)); if (continueDefaultHandling) { const closestFocusable = findClosest(element, _utils.isFocusable); if (previousElement && !closestFocusable) { (0, _blur.blur)(previousElement, init); } else if (closestFocusable) { (0, _focus.focus)(closestFocusable, init); } } } _dom.fireEvent.pointerUp(element, init); if (!element.disabled) { _dom.fireEvent.mouseUp(element, (0, _utils.getMouseEventOptions)('mouseup', init, clickCount)); _dom.fireEvent.click(element, (0, _utils.getMouseEventOptions)('click', init, clickCount)); const parentLabel = element.closest('label'); if (parentLabel != null && parentLabel.control) (0, _focus.focus)(parentLabel.control, init); } } function findClosest(el, callback) { do { if (callback(el)) { return el; } el = el.parentElement; } while (el && el !== document.body); return undefined; } function click(element, init, { skipHover = false, clickCount = 0 } = {}) { if (!skipHover) (0, _hover.hover)(element, init); switch (element.tagName) { case 'LABEL': clickLabel(element, init, { clickCount }); break; case 'INPUT': if (element.type === 'checkbox' || element.type === 'radio') { clickBooleanElement(element, init, { clickCount }); } else { clickElement(element, init, { clickCount }); } break; default: clickElement(element, init, { clickCount }); } } function dblClick(element, init) { (0, _hover.hover)(element, init); click(element, init, { skipHover: true, clickCount: 0 }); click(element, init, { skipHover: true, clickCount: 1 }); _dom.fireEvent.dblClick(element, (0, _utils.getMouseEventOptions)('dblclick', init, 2)); }