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{"ast":null,"code":"import _extends from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends\";\nimport _objectWithoutProperties from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties\";\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport clsx from 'clsx';\nimport { refType } from '@material-ui/utils';\nimport { useFormControl } from '../FormControl';\nimport withStyles from '../styles/withStyles';\nimport Typography from '../Typography';\nimport capitalize from '../utils/capitalize';\nexport var styles = function styles(theme) {\n return {\n /* Styles applied to the root element. */\n root: {\n display: 'inline-flex',\n alignItems: 'center',\n cursor: 'pointer',\n // For correct alignment with the text.\n verticalAlign: 'middle',\n WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent',\n marginLeft: -11,\n marginRight: 16,\n // used for row presentation of radio/checkbox\n '&$disabled': {\n cursor: 'default'\n }\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `labelPlacement=\"start\"`. */\n labelPlacementStart: {\n flexDirection: 'row-reverse',\n marginLeft: 16,\n // used for row presentation of radio/checkbox\n marginRight: -11\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `labelPlacement=\"top\"`. */\n labelPlacementTop: {\n flexDirection: 'column-reverse',\n marginLeft: 16\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `labelPlacement=\"bottom\"`. */\n labelPlacementBottom: {\n flexDirection: 'column',\n marginLeft: 16\n },\n\n /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */\n disabled: {},\n\n /* Styles applied to the label's Typography component. */\n label: {\n '&$disabled': {\n color: theme.palette.text.disabled\n }\n }\n };\n};\n/**\n * Drop in replacement of the `Radio`, `Switch` and `Checkbox` component.\n * Use this component if you want to display an extra label.\n */\n\nvar FormControlLabel = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function FormControlLabel(props, ref) {\n var checked = props.checked,\n classes = props.classes,\n className = props.className,\n control = props.control,\n disabledProp = props.disabled,\n inputRef = props.inputRef,\n label = props.label,\n _props$labelPlacement = props.labelPlacement,\n labelPlacement = _props$labelPlacement === void 0 ? 'end' : _props$labelPlacement,\n name = props.name,\n onChange = props.onChange,\n value = props.value,\n other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, [\"checked\", \"classes\", \"className\", \"control\", \"disabled\", \"inputRef\", \"label\", \"labelPlacement\", \"name\", \"onChange\", \"value\"]);\n\n var muiFormControl = useFormControl();\n var disabled = disabledProp;\n\n if (typeof disabled === 'undefined' && typeof control.props.disabled !== 'undefined') {\n disabled = control.props.disabled;\n }\n\n if (typeof disabled === 'undefined' && muiFormControl) {\n disabled = muiFormControl.disabled;\n }\n\n var controlProps = {\n disabled: disabled\n };\n ['checked', 'name', 'onChange', 'value', 'inputRef'].forEach(function (key) {\n if (typeof control.props[key] === 'undefined' && typeof props[key] !== 'undefined') {\n controlProps[key] = props[key];\n }\n });\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"label\", _extends({\n className: clsx(classes.root, className, labelPlacement !== 'end' && classes[\"labelPlacement\".concat(capitalize(labelPlacement))], disabled && classes.disabled),\n ref: ref\n }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(control, controlProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Typography, {\n component: \"span\",\n className: clsx(classes.label, disabled && classes.disabled)\n }, label));\n});\nprocess.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? FormControlLabel.propTypes = {\n // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------\n // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |\n // | To u