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{"ast":null,"code":"/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */\n// Global index counter to preserve source order.\n// We create the style sheet during the creation of the component,\n// children are handled after the parents, so the order of style elements would be parent->child.\n// It is a problem though when a parent passes a className\n// which needs to override any child's styles.\n// StyleSheet of the child has a higher specificity, because of the source order.\n// So our solution is to render sheets them in the reverse order child->sheet, so\n// that parent has a higher specificity.\nvar indexCounter = -1e9;\nexport function increment() {\n indexCounter += 1;\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (indexCounter >= 0) {\n console.warn(['Material-UI: You might have a memory leak.', 'The indexCounter is not supposed to grow that much.'].join('\\n'));\n }\n }\n\n return indexCounter;\n}","map":{"version":3,"sources":["/app/node_modules/@material-ui/styles/esm/makeStyles/indexCounter.js"],"names":["indexCounter","increment","process","env","NODE_ENV","console","warn","join"],"mappings":"AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA,IAAIA,YAAY,GAAG,CAAC,GAApB;AACA,OAAO,SAASC,SAAT,GAAqB;AAC1BD,EAAAA,YAAY,IAAI,CAAhB;;AAEA,MAAIE,OAAO,CAACC,GAAR,CAAYC,QAAZ,KAAyB,YAA7B,EAA2C;AACzC,QAAIJ,YAAY,IAAI,CAApB,EAAuB;AACrBK,MAAAA,OAAO,CAACC,IAAR,CAAa,CAAC,4CAAD,EAA+C,qDAA/C,EAAsGC,IAAtG,CAA2G,IAA3G,CAAb;AACD;AACF;;AAED,SAAOP,YAAP;AACD","sourcesContent":["/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */\n// Global index counter to preserve source order.\n// We create the style sheet during the creation of the component,\n// children are handled after the parents, so the order of style elements would be parent->child.\n// It is a problem though when a parent passes a className\n// which needs to override any child's styles.\n// StyleSheet of the child has a higher specificity, because of the source order.\n// So our solution is to render sheets them in the reverse order child->sheet, so\n// that parent has a higher specificity.\nvar indexCounter = -1e9;\nexport function increment() {\n indexCounter += 1;\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (indexCounter >= 0) {\n console.warn(['Material-UI: You might have a memory leak.', 'The indexCounter is not supposed to grow that much.'].join('\\n'));\n }\n }\n\n return indexCounter;\n}"]},"metadata":{},"sourceType":"module"}